- Artworks
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De verschijning van Christus aan Maria Magdalena
Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalen as a Gardener
Oil on oak wood
54.5 x 38.8 cms | 21 1/4 x 15 1/4 ins
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister Dresden | Germany
The Adoration of the Christ Child
c. 1515
Oil on panel
98.5 x 76.3 cms | 38 3/4 x 30 ins
Art Institute of Chicago Chicago | United States
Saul and the Witch of Endor
Oil on panel
88.3 x 123 cms | 34 3/4 x 48 1/4 ins
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | Netherlands
Bildnis des Grafen Edzard I. von Ostfriesland
Edzard the Great, Count of East Friesland
Oil on wood
Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum Hannover | Germany
Laughing Fool
c. 1500
Oil on panel
14 x 9 cms | 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 ins
Davis Museum and Cultural Center 02481 | United States
Salome met het hoofd van Johannes de Doper
Salome with the Head of John the Baptist
Oil on panel
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | Netherlands
Portrait of Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen
Oil on panel
37.9 x 29.5 cms | 14 3/4 x 11 1/2 ins
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | Netherlands
Jacob Cornelisz. van Oostsanen Painting a Portrait of His Wife
Oil on panel
62.1 x 49.4 cms | 24 1/4 x 19 1/4 ins
Toledo Museum of Art Toledo | United States
Triptych of the Adoration of the Magi
The Adoration of the Three Kings
Oil on panel
83 x 56 cms | 32 1/2 x 22 ins
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | Netherlands