Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister
1 Theaterplatz
Dresden, SN, DEU
- Artworks
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Die Kreuzigung Christi
The Crucifixion of Christ
Hans Baldung
Oil on canvas
151 x 104 cms | 59 1/4 x 40 3/4 ins
Salomè Con La Tesa Del Battista
Salomè with the Head of the Baptist
Bartolommeo Veneto
Oil on canvas
Madonna with Child Enthroned and Saints
Paris Bordone
c. 1530
Oil on canvas
296 x 179 cms | 116 1/2 x 70 1/4 ins
The Preparation of Christ's Grave
Vittore Carpaccio
c. 1505
145 x 185 cms | 57 x 72 3/4 ins
Christ in the Wilderness, Served by Angels
Lodovico Carracci
Oil on canvas
157.2 x 225.3 cms | 61 3/4 x 88 1/2 ins
Enthroned Madonna with Child and SS Peter, Romualdus, Benedict and Paul
Cima Da Conegliano
c. 1495
Oil on canvas
206 x 135 cms | 81 x 53 ins
Madonna con bambino e donatore
Madonna and Child with Donor
Cima Da Conegliano
68.5 x 92.3 cms | 26 3/4 x 36 1/4 ins
De verschijning van Christus aan Maria Magdalena
Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalen as a Gardener
Jacob Cornelisz Van Oostsanen
Oil on oak wood
54.5 x 38.8 cms | 21 1/4 x 15 1/4 ins
Adam und Eva im Paradies (Sündenfall)
Adam and Eve in Paradise (Fall of Man)
Lucas Cranach the Elder
Oil on canvas
50.5 x 35.7 cms | 19 3/4 x 14 ins
View of Dresden at Full Moon
Johan Christian Clausen Dahl
Oil on canvas
78 x 130 cms | 30 1/2 x 51 ins
Großes Stilleben mit dem Vogelnest
Large Still Life with a Bird's Nest
Jan Davidsz de Heem
Oil on canvas
89 x 72 cms | 35 x 28 1/4 ins
Bildnis einer jungen Venezianerin
Portrait of a Young Venetian Woman
Albrecht Durer
Oil on poplar wood
28.5 x 21.5 cms | 11 x 8 1/4 ins
Marchesa Geronima Spinola
Sir Antony van Dyck
c. 1624
Oil on canvas
226.8 x 151.3 cms | 89 1/4 x 59 1/2 ins
Portrait of a Genovese Gentleman, Alessandro Giustiniani-Longo
Sir Antony van Dyck
c. 1621
Oil on canvas
203 x 117.3 cms | 79 3/4 x 46 ins