Opportunity to Study with Devin Cecil-Wishing

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Opportunity to Study with Devin Cecil-Wishing

3 July, 2014

Griffin by Devin Cecil-Wishing
Artist and Grand Central Academy Instructor, Devin Cecil-Wishing, will be teaching a very special drawing intensive workshop in LA (Venice) September 24th-28th. The class, Drawing from the Cast: Building the Fundamentals of Realism, will be a great opportunity for artists of all ability levels to push their skills to the next level. The workshop will primarily focus on how to render light and form in a convincing manner by utilizing a conceptual model of how light actually works, combined with careful, direct observation from plaster casts of antique sculptures. This will be the first time that Devin Cecil-Wishing has come to LA for a workshop, so if you're in the area, be sure not to miss it!

For more information on the workshop visit www.vewhaloo.com/workshops and to see more of Devin's work visit his site at www.devincecil-wishing.com.