New Works Added for Live ARC Salon

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New Works Added for Live ARC Salon

5 July, 2015

We are happy to announce three new works have been added to the list of paintings to be exhibited in the traveling exhibition for the 2014/2015 ARC Salon. Today we are adding the Second Place Animal Category Winner, It's Just the Wind, by Carrie Nygren, the Best Portrait Winner, Yvonne, by Sandra Kuck, and a finalist work, Would You Like Some Milk?: The Carpathians, by Ukrainian artist, Victoria Radionova.
The exhibition will start at the MEAM Museum in Barcelona, Spain, where it will be on view from November 17th until December 28th to celebrate an intense collaboration between Europe and America for representational art. The show will then travel to New York City, where it will hang at the Salmagundi Club from January 18th to February 4th. Regular updates will be given on the exciting upcoming live exhibition including information on the additional works to be included as they are added to the list of exhibiting works.

To view these newly added write-ups on these works, please visit the page we've created for the exhibition by clicking here.