New DVI Lesson Released

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New DVI Lesson Released

4 November, 2016

The Da Vinci Initiative has released Lesson 7 - Envelope in the Bargue course. This lesson teaches the importance of using envelopes when creating an accurate drawing.
The DVI is using Patreon, a subscription service, to help finance the expense of producing high-quality video courses. Your patronage ensures that we can reach a broader audience, so that all students who seek atelier training have access to this essential knowledge.
Patreon subscribers and purchasers through DVI will gain exclusive access to bonus tips and tricks videos with additional educational footage. Patreon subscribers will enjoy access to the weekly footage one day in advance of the general public. The entire course with additional footage can be purchased and downloaded now through DVI by clicking here.

To see the first eight videos in this course, please visit Patreon to subscribe, or come to the DVI YouTube channel for the first seven videos for free now.

To make a donation to The Da Vinci Initiative, click here.