MEAM Competition

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MEAM Competition

3 May, 2015

The MEAM is still accepting entries for their 8th Figurativas Painting and Sculpture Competition, Figurativas 2015, through May 30th. The ARC Salon’s works for the live exhibit will be mounted at the same time the MEAM mounts its 8th Figurativas Painting and Sculpture Competition. The MEAM competition is organized by the Foundation of the Art and the Artists, which is, along with the ARC Salon, the other most important competition for representational art. The 8th Figurativas Painting and Sculpture Competition, Figurativas 2015, will run between November 17th and January 10th. The Official Awards Ceremony of ARC Salon and Figurativas 2015 winners will take place as one tremendous event on November 20th, 2015 at 19:00 hours at the European Museum of Modern Art (MEAM) in Barcelona and a Forum of American and European representational artists will take place the following day on Saturday the 21st.
Registration is free. To register and find the competition rules, click here.