Julio Reyes and Candice Bohannon Featured in FAC

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Julio Reyes and Candice Bohannon Featured in FAC

4 March, 2014

Vessels by Julio Reyes
The latest issue of Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine features an article on ARC Living Master™ Julio Reyes and his wife Candice Bohannon. About the talented artist couple, Vanessa Rothe reports:
"Reyes and Bohannon adhere to highly defined philosophies and aesthetics. Both believe that traditional training is necessary, that the skills, styles, and theories learned in school are important building blocks, but must then be assembled uniquely to make one's own individual statement, from within the artist. This is easier said then done, of course. Reyes observes, with hearty agreement from Bohannon, "For the whisper of an idea to germinate in the mind, take hold in the heart, and then inspire the act of creation, is incredible! The sheer persistence of creative energy, and the birth of each artwork I've made against all odds, is so improbable that is has to be a miracle – like the miracle or life itself."

Bed of Gold by Candice Bohannon
To order a copy of this issue, click here.