Han Wu Shen Historic Exhibition

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Han Wu Shen Historic Exhibition

2 June, 2016

Looking at the Big Dipper
by Han Wu Shen
ARC Living Master™ Han Wu Shen held an exhibition called "Red Guard Movement - 50th Anniversary” which ran from March 22 - April 10, 2016 in Hong Kong. It showed 17 paintings that looked back to the tumultuous events of 1966 when the Red Guard Movement swept across China.

Han Wu Shen was interviewed by Hong Kong's “Ming Pao Daily News” and “Radio Television Hong Kong”.

Chinese authorities have banned the review and reflection on the Cultural Revolution. His solo exhibition, which was to be displayed in Beijing, was cancelled and held only in Hong Kong. This was perhaps the only exhibition about the Cultural Revolution shown in China.

To read more about this event, please click here.