Association of Fantastic Art IlluxCon Scholarship

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Association of Fantastic Art IlluxCon Scholarship

2 July, 2012

The Association of Fantastic Art, an ARC Allied Organization, is currently accepting entries for their IlluxCon Scholarship. It is open to any student (high school, college, or atelier). The winners will receive all-expense paid trips to IlluXCon (or $1200 towards their trip if they are located outside of the continental US).
The annual IlluXCon symposium, founded in 2008, draws artists and attendees from all over the world. This year (2012) it will be held in Altoona, PA. Starting in 2013 it will have a prominent venue at the Allentown Art Museum, PA, an AAM accredited institution with over 100,000 annual visitors. IlluXCon features an average display of over 1000 original works of art, and is filled with workshops, lectures and painting demonstrations by the foremost artists in the field as well as providing a leading opportunity for collectors to view and purchase original works.
The submission deadline will be August 1st. Please visit their website for more details.