ARC Approved™ Studio Incamminati Professional Program

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ARC Approved™ Studio Incamminati Professional Program

2 April, 2010

ARC Approved™ Studio Incamminati accepting applications for the 2010-2011 Full-Time Professional Program

The Professional Program is intensive and immersive. Under the artistic direction of ARC Living Master™ Nelson Shanks, and working under instructors trained by him, artists at Studio Incamminati practice time-honored techniques of drawing and painting as the foundation for creative expression and meaningful visual communication.

The Professional Program also addresses the practical skills necessary for a successful career, such as writing an artist's statement and preparing for an exhibition. For reasons why Studio Incamminati can help you, see: View the curriculum at:

I Wanna be Adored
By instructor Stephen Early
Oil on Linen, 2010
Portrait Society of America 2010 Certificate of Excellence