Ani Art Academies Drawings Show

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Ani Art Academies Drawings Show

1 August, 2014

Several artists from the ARC Approved™ Ani Art Academies will be exhibiting at the John Pence Gallery.

"Drawings are at once the heartbeat, the bones, the musculature, and the spirit of all art. Drawings constitute a unique language for each artist, and the viewer is privileged to glimpse the skeletal elements of the art process first-hand. Drawings are personal: they reveal, they are intended as notes, they are a means to an end, and they represent the embryo of genius, the moment of an artist's truth." - John Pence
August 14 - September 26, 2014

The John Pence Gallery - 750 Post Street, San Francisco, CA 94109

Opening Reception: August 14, 2014 6-8pm

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