"Thank you" for all you do to bring MASTERFUL works to me and my students

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"Thank you" for all you do to bring MASTERFUL works to me and my students

2 March, 2009

Greetings again Mr. Ross,

I have contacted you in the past. As your website has grown over the years I can only humbly say 'thank you' for all you do to bring MASTERFUL works to me and my students.

I have developed a segment in my classroom entitled; 'Artist of the Month'.It is during this monthly segment that I introduce my students to living artists who are demonstrating high level skills and awe inspiring craftsmanship in their works. Many of the artists I expose my students to are listed on your site. ....

I thank you for all you and your staff are doing to help us art teachers and artists in developing our skills by giving us a resource of MASTERS in ART!

Take care and God bless,
Bob Renaud
Carthage H.S. Art Instructor
Carthage, New York
Click Here to read the full letter.