"Good Work"

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"Good Work"

2 April, 2010

I just came across your website and I would like to express my gratitude to you for taking up this cause in such a powerful and eloquent way. Your website articulates a feeling I have had since I started reading commentary on my favorite pieces. My favorite art is all from the genres ARC highlights. Its visual beauty and romantic themes strike an element in the core of my soul. I am not at art-guy... at all. In fact I am a military officer. But when I saw Edmund Blair Leighton's Accolade and God Speed pieces, they stopped me cold in my tracks. I have since held a quiet obsession with the pre-raphaelites.

It slays me that such works of genuine, beautiful, meaningful art get relegated to the cheap "pop" art category sold in malls when some downright disgusting pieces are showcased in museums and exhibitions all over the world.

Thank you for what you do.

-James Naugle