2007 4th Annual ARC Salon™ Competition

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2007 4th Annual ARC Salon™ Competition

3 August, 2007

Call for Entries
The Art Renewal Center's
International 2007 ARC Salon™

Win International Recognition Overnight
Have your work seen by 5.5 Million Yearly Visitors.

More than $44,000 in Awards
Compete and Win in 5 Categories
Award Winners and Finalists will be featured on the
Art Renewal Centers website.


Best in Show: $10,000 cash award plus gallery space in the Museum section of the ARC's website. Gallery space will include the artist s biographical information accompanied by 1 to 5 web pages of the artist's finest works.

The William Bouguereau Award - Emotion, Theme, and the Figure: $3,000

5 First Place Awards: $2,500 awarded in each category
5 Second Place Awards: $1,000 awarded in each category
5 Third Place Awards: $500 awarded in each category

Chairman's Choice Award: 2 Awarded at $500 each

ARC Staff Award: 4 Awarded at $100 each

People's Choice Award: $100 cash award. Winner will be selected by the public from the top 100 finalists through an online voting system at www.artrenewal.org.

Purchase Awards: Minimum of $10,000 in Purchase Awards Works do not have to be for sale to be eligible for the competition. Purchase awards will be chosen from the finalists by our four judges and awarded at the sole discretion of the ARC's Chairman, Fred Ross.

30 Honorable Mentions: Award winners will receive an Award Certificate and have their winning artwork accompanied by their name displayed on the ARC website. Top 100 Finalists will have their entry accompanied by their name displayed on the ARC website and will also be featured in the 2007 ARC Salon™ Catalog.

For more details on how to enter you can download entry forms in either PDF or Microsoft Word format.

Entry Deadline: September 24, 2007

To see the winners from the 2006 ARC Salon™ have a look at the announcement of the winners.

Inquiries may be addressed to Karen McCormack at arcprogram@aol.com

For more information on the Salon click here.