Virginie Demont-Breton
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Virginie Demont-Breton
32 artworks
Born 1859 - Died 1935
{"Id":464,"Name":"Virginie Demont-Breton","Biography":"","Awards":null,"HasAlbums":false,"HasPortraits":true,"HasRelationships":true,"HasArticles":false,"HasDepictedPlaces":true,"HasLetters":true,"HasLibraryItems":false,"HasProducts":false,"HasSignatures":false,"HasVideos":false,"HasMapLocations":true,"TotalArtworks":32}
- Artworks
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- Depicted Places
Oil on canvas
203 x 126 cms | 79 3/4 x 49 1/2 ins
6 MPs
Oil on canvas
less than 1 MP
c. 1898
Oil on canvas
less than 1 MP
c. 1890
51 x 39.5 cms | 20 x 15 1/2 ins
less than 1 MP
Her husband is at sea
Oil on canvas
161 x 134.5 cms | 63 1/4 x 52 3/4 ins
Private collection
3 MPs
Our Mother
Oil on canvas
3 MPs
Little Children and Their Dog under the Snow
Oil on panel
less than 1 MP
Oil on canvas
61 x 53 cms | 24 x 20 3/4 ins
4 MPs
Oil on panel
less than 1 MP
Oil on canvas
less than 1 MP
Mother Under an Orange Tree
Oil on canvas
less than 1 MP
Bedouin Tent in Biskra
less than 1 MP