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Sir William Newenham Montague Orpen

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Sir William Newenham Montague Orpen

130 artworks


Born 1878 - Died 1931

  • Artworks
  • Timeline
  • Images of the Artist
  • Depicted Places
Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes


Oil on canvas

92 x 72 cms | 36 x 28 1/4 ins

Oldham Art Gallery Oldham | United Kingdom

1 MPs
Lottie and the Baby

Lottie and the Baby


Oil on canvas

61 x 51 cms | 24 x 20 ins

Walker Art Gallery Liverpool | United Kingdom

1 MPs
A Peace Conference at the Quai d'Orsay

A Peace Conference at the Quai d'Orsay


Oil on canvas

124.4 x 101.9 cms | 48 3/4 x 40 ins

Imperial War Museum London London | United Kingdom

less than 1 MP
The Signing of Peace in the Hall of Mirrors, Versailles, 28 June 1919

The Signing of Peace in the Hall of Mirrors, Versailles, 28 June 1919


Oil on canvas

152.4 x 127 cms | 60 x 50 ins

Imperial War Museum London London | United Kingdom

less than 1 MP
Miss Annie Isobel 'Lillo' Lumb

Miss Annie Isobel 'Lillo' Lumb


Oil on canvas

88 x 64 cms | 34 1/2 x 25 ins

Huddersfield Art Gallery Huddersfield | United Kingdom

1 MPs
The Spanish Woman

The Spanish Woman


less than 1 MP
The Chess Players

The Chess Players


Oil on canvas

92 x 71 cms | 36 x 27 3/4 ins

Ashmolean Museum Oxford | United Kingdom

less than 1 MP
Homage to Manet

Homage to Manet


less than 1 MP
An Eastern Gown

An Eastern Gown


Oil on canvas

89 x 73.5 cms | 35 x 28 3/4 ins

Atkinson Art Gallery Collection Bensenville | United States

less than 1 MP
The Mirror

The Mirror


Oil paint on canvas

50.8 x 40.6 cms | 20 x 15 3/4 ins

Tate Gallery London | United Kingdom

2 MPs
The Studio

The Studio


less than 1 MP



less than 1 MP
In the Dublin Mountains

In the Dublin Mountains

Oil on canvas

115 x 97.5 cms | 45 1/4 x 38 1/4 ins

Oldham Art Gallery Oldham | United Kingdom

1 MPs
Lewis R. Tomalin

Lewis R. Tomalin


Oil on canvas

91.5 x 81.3 cms | 36 x 32 ins

Private collection

1 MP
St Patrick

St Patrick

Oil on canvas

100 x 77.5 cms | 39 1/4 x 30 1/2 ins

less than 1 MP
Summer Time

Summer Time

Oil on panel

61 x 49.9 cms | 24 x 19 1/2 ins

Ulster Museum Belfast | United Kingdom

1 MPs
Afternoon Sleep

Afternoon Sleep


Oil on canvas

100 x 95 cms | 39 1/4 x 37 1/4 ins

McLean Museum and Art Gallery Greenock | United Kingdom

1 MPs
A Bloomsbury Family

A Bloomsbury Family


Oil on canvas

86.5 x 91.5 cms | 34 x 36 ins

National Gallery of Scotland Edinburgh | United Kingdom

less than 1 MP



Oil paint on canvas

63.5 x 76.2 cms | 25 x 30 ins

Tate Gallery London | United Kingdom

2 MPs