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143 artworks

Italian painter, frescoist, sculptor, architect and poet

Born 4/6/1483 - Died 4/1520

Born in Urbino (Pesaro e Urbino, Marches, Italy)

Died in Rome (Lazio, Italy)

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St Cecilia with Sts Paul, John Evangelists, Augustine and Mary Magdalene

c. 1513-c. 1516

Oil on canvas transferred from

238 x 150 cms | 93 1/2 x 59 ins

Pinacoteca Bologna | Italy

5 MPs

The Transfiguration


Oil on canvas

403.9 x 279.4 cms | 159 x 109 3/4 ins

Dulwich Picture Gallery London | United Kingdom

2 MPs
Marriage Of The Virgin

Marriage Of The Virgin


Oil on canvas

Private collection

less than 1 MP

The Sistine Madonna

c. 1505

Oil on canvas

265 x 196 cms | 104 1/4 x 77 ins

Gem‰ldegalerie Dresden | Germany

36 MPs

The Triumph of Galatea



295 x 225 cms | 116 x 88 1/2 ins

Villa Farnesina Roma | Italy

Credit: Web Gallery of Art

2 MPs

Portrait of a Young Woman

La Fornarina


Oil on wood

85 x 60 cms | 33 1/4 x 23 1/2 ins

Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica Roma | Italy

Credit: Web Gallery of Art

14 MPs

La Donna Velata

c. 1514

Oil on canvas

85.1 x 64.1 cms | 33 1/2 x 25 1/4 ins

Pitti Gallery Firenze | Italy

7 MPs

Sacra Famiglia Canigiani

The Holy Family with Saints Elizabeth and John

c. 1506

Oil on canvas

51.5 x 42.1 cms | 20 1/4 x 16 1/2 ins

Alte Pinakothek München | Germany

29 MPs

Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione

c. 1515

Oil on canvas

81.9 x 66 cms | 32 1/4 x 26 ins

Musee du Louvre Paris | France

13 MPs

Portrait of Pope Julius II


Oil on poplar wood

108 x 80.7 cms | 42 1/2 x 31 3/4 ins

National Gallery London | United Kingdom

Credit: Web Gallery of Art

13 MPs

Saint Catherine of Alexandria


Oil on poplar

72.2 x 55.7 cms | 28 1/4 x 21 3/4 ins

National Gallery London | United Kingdom

5 MPs

Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints

c. 1504

Oil and gold on wood

Metropolitan Museum of Art Manhattan | United States

less than 1 MP
The Madonna of the Pinks

The Madonna of the Pinks

La Madonna dei Garofani


Oil on yew

27.9 x 22.4 cms | 10 3/4 x 8 3/4 ins

National Gallery London | United Kingdom

5 MPs
The Madonna and Child

The Madonna and Child

The Mackintosh Madonna


Oil (almost entirely repainted) on canvas, transferred from wood

78.8 x 64.2 cms | 31 x 25 1/4 ins

National Gallery London | United Kingdom

5 MPs

Madonna della Seggiola

Madonna of the Chair

c. 1514-c. 1515

Oil on wood

71 x 71 cms | 27 3/4 x 27 3/4 ins

Galleria Palatina (Palazzo Pitti) Firenze | Italy

Credit: Web Gallery of Art

less than 1 MP
Madonna del Cardellino

Madonna del Cardellino

Madonna of the Goldfinch

c. 1505-1506

Oil on canvas

107 x 77 cms | 42 x 30 1/4 ins

The Uffizi Florence | Italy

35 MPs
Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John

Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John


285 x 215 cms | 112 x 84 1/2 ins

Museum of Fine Arts Budapest | Hungary

25 MPs

The Alba Madonna

c. 1511

Oil on canvas

National Gallery of Art Washington | United States

35 MPs