Pierino da Vinci

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Pierino da Vinci

8 artworks

Italian Mannerist sculptor

Born 1531 - Died 1554

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Young River God

c. 1548


135 x 48 cms | 53 x 18 3/4 ins

Public collection

21 MPs


c. 1540


Museo Nazionale d'Arte Medievale e Moderna Arezzo | Italy

3 MPs
Sansone e Il Filisteo

Sansone e Il Filisteo

Samson and the Philistine


Palazzo Vecchio Florence | Italy

2 MPs



Painted stucco

38.7 x 33.7 cms | 15 x 13 1/4 ins

Metropolitan Museum of Art Manhattan | United States

19 MPs
Cosimo I, Patrono di Pisa

Cosimo I, Patrono di Pisa

Cosimo I, Patron Saint of Pisa

Marble relief

3 MPs
Nilus, God of the River Nile

Nilus, God of the River Nile


14 x 31.8 x 13.3 cms | 5 1/2 x 12 1/2 x 5 ins

Public collection

less than 1 MP
Count Ugolino and his children in prison, visited by Hunger

Count Ugolino and his children in prison, visited by Hunger

Pen and black ink, brown wash, black chalk

4 MPs