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- Depicted Places
View from the Artist's Window
Oil on canvas
38 x 29.8 cms | 14 3/4 x 11 1/2 ins
Statens Museum for Kunst København | Denmark
Udsigt til en gård i Rom. Kopi efter Eckersberg
View of a farm in Rome. Copy after Eckersberg
33.6 x 27.6 cms | 13 x 10 3/4 ins
Statens Museum for Kunst København | Denmark
The Palatine Chapel in the Palazzo dei Normanni, Palermo, Italy
Oil on canvas
80 x 63 cms | 31 1/4 x 24 3/4 ins
View from the Citadel Ramparts in Copenhagen by Moonlight
Oil on canvas
28.9 x 24.4 cms | 11 1/4 x 9 1/2 ins
Metropolitan Museum of Art Manhattan | United States
Det indre af Capella Palatina i Palermo
The interior of the Palatine Chapel of Palermo
78 x 70.5 cms | 30 1/2 x 27 3/4 ins
Statens Museum for Kunst København | Denmark
Frederikke Eleonora Cathrine Rørby, født de Stockfleth (1773-1851)
Frederikke Eleonora Cathrine Rørby, born de Stockfleth (1773-1851)
Oil on canvas
31 x 23 cms | 12 x 9 ins
Nationalmuseum Stockholm | Sweden
Portræt af kunstnerens søster Ida Athalia
Portrait of the artist's sister Ida Athalia
Oil on canvas
Øregård Museum Hellerup | Denmark
Scene from Genazzano viewing the castle of the Colonna
Oil on canvas
47 x 37 cms | 18 1/2 x 14 1/2 ins
Hertug Adolf afslår tilbuddet om den danske trone. Kopi efter C. W. Eckersberg
Duke Adolf refuses the offer of the Danish throne. Copy after C. W. Eckersberg
Oil on canvas
47.2 x 36.5 cms | 18 1/2 x 14 1/4 ins
Statens Museum for Kunst København | Denmark
Kunstnerens moder, Frederikke Eleonore Cathrine Rørbye, f. Stockfleth (1773-1851)
The artist's mother, Frederikke Eleonore Cathrine Rørbye, née Stockfleth (1773-1851)
47.3 x 39.3 cms | 18 1/2 x 15 1/4 ins
Statens Museum for Kunst København | Denmark
Udsigt over København ved solens nedgang
View of Copenhagen at sunset
28.5 x 23 cms | 11 x 9 ins
Statens Museum for Kunst København | Denmark
En siddende nubier
Seated Nibian
75 x 61 cms | 29 1/2 x 24 ins
The Nivaagaard Collection Nivå | Denmark
Portræt af maleren C.A. Lorentzen
Portrait of the painter C.A. Lorentzen
Oil on canvas
95 x 77 cms | 37 1/4 x 30 1/4 ins
The Nivaagaard Collection Nivå | Denmark
Et selskab af danske kunstnere i Rom
A company of Danish artists in Rome
Oil on canvas
62 x 74 cms | 24 1/4 x 29 ins
Statens Museum for Kunst København | Denmark
Rejsescene om bord i en hollandsk trækskøjte
Travel scene aboard a Dutch tugboat
Oil on canvas
28.5 x 35 cms | 11 x 13 3/4 ins
Gresk skomaker
Greek Shoemaker
Oil on canvas
63 x 78.5 cms | 24 3/4 x 30 3/4 ins
National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo Oslo | Norway
To italienske hyrdedrenge siddende ved ilden
Two Italian shepherd boys sitting by the fire
Oil on canvas
22 x 29 cms | 8 1/2 x 11 1/4 ins
A hunter showing his wife the bag of the first snipe hunt
Portrait of the master of the Royal Hunt Chr. Fr. Zeuthen and his wife, Sophie Hedevig
Oil on canvas
59.7 x 49.5 cms | 23 1/2 x 19 1/4 ins
The Hirschsprung Collection København | Denmark
Landskab med kirketårn ved Vester Egede
Landscape with church tower at Vester Egede
Oil on canvas
23.7 x 34.2 cms | 9 1/4 x 13 1/4 ins
Arrestbygningen ved råd- og domhuset
The detention building at the town hall and courthouse
Oil on canvas
47.5 x 63 cms | 18 1/2 x 24 3/4 ins
Statens Museum for Kunst København | Denmark