Henri-Leopold Levy

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Henri-Leopold Levy

19 artworks

Academic Classical artist

Born 1840 - Died 1904

Born in France

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Oil on canvas

Musee de Brest Brest | France

8 MPs
Joas sauvé du massacre des petits fils d'Athalie

Joas sauvé du massacre des petits fils d'Athalie

Joas saved from the massacre of the sons of Athalie

Oil on canvas

Musee des Beaux Arts Arras | France

less than 1 MP
Véturie aux pieds de Coriolan

Véturie aux pieds de Coriolan

Veturia at the Feet of Coriolan

less than 1 MP
Allégorie des Handels

Allégorie des Handels

Allegory of Handel


6 MPs
The Death of Orpheus

The Death of Orpheus

c. 1870

Oil on canvas

Art Institute of Chicago Chicago | United States

7 MPs
Cartoon for a Ceiling Decoration Depicting Health and Wealth

Cartoon for a Ceiling Decoration Depicting Health and Wealth

Oil on canvas

197.5 x 185 cms | 77 3/4 x 72 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP


Musee d'Orsay Paris | France

6 MPs


Oil on canvas

23.2 x 15.4 cms | 9 x 6 ins

less than 1 MP
Le Phoenix

Le Phoenix

The Phoenix

Oil on canvas

28.9 x 17.5 cms | 11 1/4 x 6 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Artemis among the Wood Nymphs

Artemis among the Wood Nymphs

Oil on canvas

226.1 x 91.4 cms | 89 x 35 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Hera and Ares in the Underworld

Hera and Ares in the Underworld

Oil on canvas

226.1 x 91.4 cms | 89 x 35 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Étude pour Salomé et son plateau (study)

Étude pour Salomé et son plateau (study)

Study of Salomé and Her Platter

Oil on paper

31 x 14.7 cms | 12 x 5 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Enfant nu, le bras gauche levé

Enfant nu, le bras gauche levé

Naked child, left arm raised

Black and white chalk

17.4 x 11 cms | 6 3/4 x 4 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Woman in a Long Dress

Woman in a Long Dress

Chalk on paper

22.2 x 13 cms | 8 1/2 x 5 ins

less than 1 MP
Étude pour une tireuse à l'arc (study)

Étude pour une tireuse à l'arc (study)

Study of an archer (study)

Oil on paper

18.1 x 11.4 cms | 7 x 4 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP