
Alexander Rothaug

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Alexander Rothaug

72 artworks


Born 1870 - Died 1946

  • Artworks
  • Timeline
  • Depicted Places


Oil on cardboard

less than 1 MP

Die verlassene Nixe

The Forsaken Mermaid


Oil on wood

95 x 44 cms | 37 1/4 x 17 1/4 ins

5 MPs



Tempera on canvas, laid down on cardboard

49 x 30 cms | 19 1/4 x 11 3/4 ins

4 MPs
Weiblicher Akt am Fels (Andromeda?)/Der blinde Mönch

Weiblicher Akt am Fels (Andromeda?)/Der blinde Mönch

Female Nude on the Rock (Andromeda?)/The Blind Monk

Tempera on cardboard

26 x 15 cms | 10 x 5 3/4 ins

4 MPs
The Miracle Flower

The Miracle Flower

Oil on canvas

less than 1 MP
Female Faun by the Water

Female Faun by the Water

Oil on canvas

2 MPs
The Battle of Centaurs

The Battle of Centaurs

Oil on canvas

less than 1 MP
Battle on the Bridge

Battle on the Bridge

Oil on canvas

less than 1 MP
Centaur with Nymph

Centaur with Nymph

Oil on panel

2 MPs


Enchanted Lake

Oil on canvas

69 x 52 cms | 27 x 20 1/4 ins

3 MPs
The Water Nymph

The Water Nymph

Mixed media

less than 1 MP

At the Pond

Oil on canvas

31 x 24.5 cms | 12 x 9 1/2 ins

1 MPs


The Frog Prince

Tempera over pencil on cardboard

3 MPs
A Mountain Fairy and a Shepherd

A Mountain Fairy and a Shepherd

Oil on canvas

less than 1 MP
Forest Nymph

Forest Nymph

less than 1 MP
Der Einsiedler

Der Einsiedler

The Hermit

Tempera on canvas

49 x 38 cms | 19 1/4 x 14 3/4 ins

3 MPs


Oil on canvas

50 x 55 cms | 19 1/2 x 21 1/2 ins

less than 1 MP
Dame mit Wiesenblumen

Dame mit Wiesenblumen

Lady with Meadow Flowers

Tempera on wood

60 x 49 cms | 23 1/2 x 19 1/4 ins

3 MPs
Boreas and Oreithyia

Boreas and Oreithyia

less than 1 MP


Gouache on brown wove paper

23 x 23 cms | 9 x 9 ins

2 MPs

Simsons Rache

Samson's Revenge

c. 1928

Oil on canvas

151 x 151 cms | 59 1/4 x 59 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP


Summer Night

Tempera and pen in black on dark gray wove paper

16 x 17 cms | 6 1/4 x 6 1/2 ins

2 MPs
Die Nixe am Riff

Die Nixe am Riff

The Mermaid on the Reef

Oil on wood

35 x 42 cms | 13 3/4 x 16 1/2 ins

2 MPs


Tempera on panel

2 MPs


The Swan Maiden

Tempera on cardboard

2 MPs
Fahrt auf dem Styx / Staudamm

Fahrt auf dem Styx / Staudamm

Ride on the Styx / Dam

Tempera over pencil on cardboard

2 MPs
Ariadne on Naxos

Ariadne on Naxos


Oil on canvas

less than 1 MP
Die Früchte des Meeres

Die Früchte des Meeres

The Fruits of the Sea


Oil on canvas

less than 1 MP
Europa and the Bull

Europa and the Bull

less than 1 MP
Island Shipwreck

Island Shipwreck

Oil on canvas

7 MPs
Jagender Kentaur / Trüber Tag (Waldlandschaft)

Jagender Kentaur / Trüber Tag (Waldlandschaft)

Hunting Centaur / Overcast Day (Forest Landscape)

Tempera over pencil or pencil on light ground (verso) on cardboard

2 MPs
Roman Bath Scene

Roman Bath Scene

Oil on canvas

2 MPs
Spring in the Oreaden

Spring in the Oreaden

Oil on canvas

less than 1 MP
Sleeping Temple Guards

Sleeping Temple Guards

Tempera on canvas

less than 1 MP
Nixe in Meeresgrotte

Nixe in Meeresgrotte

Mermaid in a Sea Cave

Tempera on canvas

1 MPs
The Swan Maiden

The Swan Maiden


less than 1 MP
After the Flood

After the Flood

Oil on cardboard

less than 1 MP



Tempera on canvas

70 x 95 cms | 27 1/2 x 37 1/4 ins

2 MPs
Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

Oil on panel

less than 1 MP
The Black Knight

The Black Knight

Oil on canvas

2 MPs
Mythological Scene

Mythological Scene

c. 1910


2 MPs
Centaur Kindnaps a Lapith Woman

Centaur Kindnaps a Lapith Woman

Oil on canvas

less than 1 MP
Odysseus' Homesickness

Odysseus' Homesickness


Oil on cardboard

2 MPs
Felsenküste / Gladiatorenkampf

Felsenküste / Gladiatorenkampf

Rocky Coast / Gladiator Fight

Tempera and black ink on cardboard

27 x 19 cms | 10 1/2 x 7 1/4 ins

3 MPs
Jüngling in alpenländischer Tracht

Jüngling in alpenländischer Tracht

Young Man in Traditional Alpine Costume

Tempera on canvas

3 MPs
Waldnymphe (Daphne) / Studienskizzen

Waldnymphe (Daphne) / Studienskizzen

Wood Nymph (Daphne) / Study Sketches

Tempera or tempera and pencil on cardboard

4 MPs
Im Reich der Nixen

Im Reich der Nixen

In the Realm of the Mermaids

Mixed media on cardboard, laminated on cardboard

less than 1 MP
Kriemhilds Rache

Kriemhilds Rache

Kriemhild's Revenge

Gouache on cardboard

3 MPs
Streit der Königinnen

Streit der Königinnen

Quarrel of the Queens

Gouache on cardboard

3 MPs
Hagen an der Bahre Siegfrieds

Hagen an der Bahre Siegfrieds

Hagen at Siegfried's Bier

Gouache on cardboard

35 x 27 cms | 13 3/4 x 10 1/2 ins

3 MPs
Siegfried der Schmied

Siegfried der Schmied

Siegfried the Blacksmith

Gouache on cardboard

3 MPs
Siegfried tötet Fafner

Siegfried tötet Fafner

Siegfried Kills Fafner

Gouache on cardboard

35 x 27 cms | 13 3/4 x 10 1/2 ins

3 MPs
Siegfried und Krimhildes erste Begegnung

Siegfried und Krimhildes erste Begegnung

Siegfried and Krimhilde's First Encounter

Gouache on cardboard

3 MPs
Achilleus stürzt / DieTrojaner fliehen

Achilleus stürzt / DieTrojaner fliehen

Achilles Falls / The Trojans Flee

Tempera and black ink, collaged, resp. grisaille on cardboard

3 MPs


Wall Decoration

Tempera and gilt bronze on light cardboard

39 x 29 cms | 15 1/4 x 11 1/4 ins

3 MPs
Felsenküste / Ruderer

Felsenküste / Ruderer

Rocky Coast / Rowers

Tempera, verso color samples and pencil on cardboard

3 MPs
Hagen versenkt den Hort

Hagen versenkt den Hort

Hagen Sinks the Hoard

Gouache on cardboard

35 x 27 cms | 13 3/4 x 10 1/2 ins

3 MPs
Kentaur und Nixen / Prozession im Wald

Kentaur und Nixen / Prozession im Wald

Centaur and Mermaids / Procession in the Forest

Tempera over pencil on cardboard

21 x 26 cms | 8 1/4 x 10 ins

2 MPs


Ocean Surf

Tempera and pencil on cardboard

2 MPs
Der gefrozelte Kentaur

Der gefrozelte Kentaur

The Frozen Centaur

Tempera on canvas

21 x 27 cms | 8 1/4 x 10 1/2 ins

2 MPs
Capri: Blick auf die Faraglioni

Capri: Blick auf die Faraglioni

Capri: View of the Faraglioni

Watercolor over pencil on grained watercolor cardboard

18 x 25 cms | 7 x 9 3/4 ins

2 MPs
Miramar / Landschaftsstudien

Miramar / Landschaftsstudien

Miramar / Landscape Studies

Tempera over pencil on cardboard

20 x 26 cms | 7 3/4 x 10 ins

2 MPs
Nach dem Regen

Nach dem Regen

After the Rain

Black and sepia pen and colored pencils on smooth wove paper

2 MPs
Schlacht um Troja (Apollo, die Pestpfeile aussendend)

Schlacht um Troja (Apollo, die Pestpfeile aussendend)

Battle of Troy (Apollo sending out the plague arrows)

Tempera on gray cardboard

2 MPs
Neptuns Reich / Faun und Nixe

Neptuns Reich / Faun und Nixe

Neptune's Kingdom / Faun and Mermaid

Tempera and pen in black and tempera on cardboard

2 MPs
Ariadne on Naxos

Ariadne on Naxos

Oil on canvas

2 MPs
The Villa at Sarnus

The Villa at Sarnus

Oil on canvas

61 x 93.4 cms | 24 x 36 3/4 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP
Muse am Meeres-Strand

Muse am Meeres-Strand

Muse on the Seashore

Tempera on wood

10 x 21 cms | 3 3/4 x 8 1/4 ins

1 MPs
Dido sieht die Schiffe des Aeneas ablegen / Diana (Fragment)

Dido sieht die Schiffe des Aeneas ablegen / Diana (Fragment)

Dido Watches the Ships of Aeneas Depart / Diana (Fragment)

Tempera over pencil on cardboard (2) (tempera over pencil on cardboard)

30 x 26 cms | 11 3/4 x 10 ins

3 MPs


Hide and Seek

Tempera on cardboard

2 MPs
Vor der Sündflut

Vor der Sündflut

Before the Flood

Pen and black ink, watercolor and tempera as well as colored chalk on grey-green wove paper

25 x 35 cms | 9 3/4 x 13 3/4 ins

2 MPs
Zwei männliche Akte am Ufer eines Gewässers

Zwei männliche Akte am Ufer eines Gewässers

Two male nudes on the bank of a body of water


9 MPs
Die Sintflut

Die Sintflut

The Flood

Watercolour, opaque white, black pen and pencil on light gray wove paper

25 x 35 cms | 9 3/4 x 13 3/4 ins

2 MPs
Danaë und der Goldregen

Danaë und der Goldregen

Danaë and the Shower of Gold

Tempera and pencil, squared, on gray wove paper

16 x 25 cms | 6 1/4 x 9 3/4 ins

1 MPs
Um Helena

Um Helena

To Helen

Tempera and gilt bronze over preliminary pencil drawing on cardboard

22 x 38 cms | 8 1/2 x 14 3/4 ins

1 MPs
Kentaur im Wald mit Teichnymphe

Kentaur im Wald mit Teichnymphe

Centaur in the Forest with a Pond Nymph

Etching on firm japan paper

2 MPs
Drei Kentauren

Drei Kentauren

Three Centaurs

Brush in grey-black and yellow, collaged, on yellowish laid paper

2 MPs



Black pen, sepia and colored chalk on gray wove paper

22 x 27 cms | 8 1/2 x 10 1/2 ins

2 MPs
Flöte spielender Satyr

Flöte spielender Satyr

Satyr playing a flute

Black pencil and chalk, heightened with white, on gray wove paper

3 MPs
Geknäuelte Draperie

Geknäuelte Draperie

Tied drapery

Black chalk, heightened with white, on gray wove paper

3 MPs
Geraffter Vorhang

Geraffter Vorhang


Black pencil and pen, heightened with white, on brown-grey wove paper

4 MPs
Männlicher Akt nach hinten gebeugt, Studien zu: Sterbender Krieger

Männlicher Akt nach hinten gebeugt, Studien zu: Sterbender Krieger

Male nude bent backwards, studies for: Dying Warrior

Pencil, heightened with white, pen in black and color samples on gray wove paper

3 MPs
Stehender Frauenakt mit Gerte in den Händen

Stehender Frauenakt mit Gerte in den Händen

Standing nude with crop in hands

Pencil, heightened in white, on gray wove paper

3 MPs


Black pen and red colored pencil over pencil on wafer-thin wove paper

4 MPs
Aphrodite im Wasser

Aphrodite im Wasser

Aphrodite in the Water

Watercolour, opaque white, black pen and pencil on gray wove paper

10 x 6 cms | 3 3/4 x 2 1/4 ins

3 MPs
Weiblicher Akt, Studie zu: Julia in der Gruft der Capulets

Weiblicher Akt, Studie zu: Julia in der Gruft der Capulets

Female Nude, Study for: Juliet in the Crypt of the Capulets

Pencil, heightened with white, on gray wove paper

less than 1 MP
Stehende Frau mit drapiertem Gewand

Stehende Frau mit drapiertem Gewand

Standing woman with draped robe

Black and red chalk, heightened with white, on grey-brown wove paper

3 MPs
Jüngling von oben, Studie zu: Boreas und Oreithyia

Jüngling von oben, Studie zu: Boreas und Oreithyia

Youth from above, study for: Boreas and Oreithyia

Pencil, heightened with white, and color samples on greenish-grey wove paper

3 MPs
Studien zu: Apollo, die Pestpfeile aussendend

Studien zu: Apollo, die Pestpfeile aussendend

Studies on: Apollo, sending out the plague arrows

Black and white chalk and red colored pencil on gray wove paper

3 MPs
Tänzelnder Knabe in Rückenansicht

Tänzelnder Knabe in Rückenansicht

Back View of a Dancing Boy

Pencil, heightened and squared in white, on gray wove paper

3 MPs
Jüngling in Schrittstellung

Jüngling in Schrittstellung

Young man on a step

Black pencil and chalk, heightened with white, on firm gray wove paper

3 MPs
Ziehender Kentaur, Studie zu: Nymphenraub

Ziehender Kentaur, Studie zu: Nymphenraub

Drawing of a Centaur, Study for: Nymph Robbery

Pencil, heightened with white, and brush samples on gray wove paper

3 MPs
Aktstudie für mythologische Szene

Aktstudie für mythologische Szene

Nude study for a mythological scene

Pencil, heightened with white, and color samples on gray wove paper

3 MPs
Trinkende und Obst pflückende weibliche Akte

Trinkende und Obst pflückende weibliche Akte

Female nudes drinking and picking fruit

Pencil and sanguine, heightened with white, as well as color samples on gray wove paper

3 MPs
The Death of Achilles

The Death of Achilles


2 MPs
Weisse Nächte

Weisse Nächte

White Nights

Grisaille (tempera and pen and ink in black and white) on canvas primed in white

45 x 35 cms | 17 1/2 x 13 3/4 ins

3 MPs


Rose Pills

Grisaille (tempera, heightened with gold) on white primed canvas

45 x 35 cms | 17 1/2 x 13 3/4 ins

3 MPs
Kauernder Jünglingsakt

Kauernder Jünglingsakt

Crouching Nude

Black chalk, heightened with white, pencil and color samples on gray wove paper

3 MPs
Am Strom der Zeit

Am Strom der Zeit

At the Stream of Time

Pen and black ink and pencil on wafer-thin wove paper

33 x 33 cms | 12 3/4 x 12 3/4 ins

2 MPs
Studien zu: Achilleus stürzt vom Pfeil des Paris getroffen

Studien zu: Achilleus stürzt vom Pfeil des Paris getroffen

Studies on: Achilles falls struck by the arrow of Paris

Black chalk, heightened with white, pencil and pen in black on light brown wove paper

2 MPs


Drapery Study

Black and white chalk and color samples on gray wove paper

2 MPs
Liegender weiblicher Akt, Ausschau haltend

Liegender weiblicher Akt, Ausschau haltend

Reclining female nude, keeping a lookout

Pencil, heightened in white, on gray wove paper

2 MPs
Schlafender Jüngling

Schlafender Jüngling

Sleeping Youth

Pencil, heightened with white, and color samples on gray wove paper.

2 MPs
Schlafender weiblicher Akt

Schlafender weiblicher Akt

Sleeping female nude

Black chalk, sanguine and pencil, heightened with white, on light brown wove paper

25 x 32 cms | 9 3/4 x 12 1/2 ins

2 MPs
Statik und Dynamik des menschlichen Körpers

Statik und Dynamik des menschlichen Körpers

Statics and dynamics of the human body

Photogravures on vellum

15 x 23 cms | 5 3/4 x 9 ins

2 MPs


Studies from the artist's notebook

Pen and black ink and pencil, partly with watercolours, partly with colored chalk, on wove paper

24 x 19 cms | 9 1/4 x 7 1/4 ins

1 MPs
Pan mit Flöte im Seerosenteich

Pan mit Flöte im Seerosenteich

Pan with a Flute in the Water Lily Pond

Pen and black ink, pencil and colored crayons on wove paper

1 MPs



Pen and black ink and pencil, partly heightened with white, partly with colored chalk, on wove paper

less than 1 MP


Studies from the artist's notebook

Pen and black ink and pencil, partly with watercolours, partly with colored chalk, on wove paper

29 x 20 cms | 11 1/4 x 7 3/4 ins

2 MPs