The beginning of a career changing trajectory ...
From Bell, Julie
Published before 2005
So much good has come from my association with the Art Renewal Center that I hardly know where to start in writing about it. When I entered my first Salon in 2012, I had no idea that this was the beginning of a career changing trajectory.
Shortly after winning several major awards in the 2012/2013 International ARC Salon, I now have representation in three separate high profile galleries who focus on representational art.
Yes, I’ve made quite a few sales through ARC and, yes, I’ve received praise and recognition for the awards I’ve won in the ARC Salon, but the most valuable result that I’ve gained from my participation with ARC has been the level of increased confidence and validation as an artist.
The very first word that comes to my mind is encouragement, but the word “encouragement” itself isn’t enough to describe the serious significance it has. Along with the deep rewards it brings, being an artist can be such a scary thing! Creating a piece of art involves a high level of sheer faith. Lengthy hours of pushing through the very uncomfortable emotions of fear and doubt to emerge from the other side with a piece of art that delivers its intended message is virtually impossible for an artist without confidence. I cringe to think of all the beautiful masterpieces in the history of the world that have been abandoned or destroyed because the artist could only think, “Man, I really stink!”.
The mission of the Art Renewal Center has provided a platform of solid validation where I can rest my fears and move forward with confidence. And presenting my work side by side with the overwhelming talent of so many other incredible artists that participate in the Salon gives me the drive, that Eye of the Tiger, to keep pushing into further undiscovered realms of my imagination and abilities.