The Winners of the 2nd 2001 Scholarship
The Art Renewal Center is proud to announce the winners of this year's 2001/2002 Scholarship Competition. A grand total of $9,000 was distributed amongst first and second places; an increase of $1,000 over our premier scholarship round earlier in 2001.
First Place and an honorarium of $4,000 was awarded to Andy Ameral, who intends to finish his studies at the Florence Academy of Art. Andy is currently studying with David Hardy and assisting him as an instructor at The Atelier School of Classical Realism, Oakland, California. Upon special consideration, the Chairman also decided to grant an additional $3,000 in purchase awards to Andy for the furtherance of his studies. The award of Second Place with $2,000 went to Cindy McMillan to contribute toward the cost of completing her studies at Michael John Angel Studios, Toronto.
On behalf of our Chairman, Fred Ross, the judges, and everyone here at the Art Renewal Center we would like to extend a well-deserved congratulations to all of our scholarship recipients. We thank these young talented artists and the fine institutions which have trained and supported them for their dedication to, and preservation of, those artistic traditions and values prized by ARC, and we wish them enduring success in their artistic endeavours.