Firstly, I intend to finish this program at ARA Boston, and attain a high level of technical skill. However, recognising that I will be a lifelong learner, I will constantly be seeking more technical knowledge, whether it be through self driven research, or attending workshops. That being said, I don't believe that technique is the only area of study necessary to be a successful artist. I will continue to explore areas such as philosophy, literature, design, and music.
Once I finish at the Academy, I plan to become a full-time artist, with a focus on narrative figures. Furthermore, my goal is to touch people with my art, and increase the awareness of representational art. I believe people have a genuine need to experience good art, even if they aren’t aware of it. As artists, we observe phenomena which others do not see, and we have a duty to show people that in a form that they can clearly understand, and enjoy. That is where classical realism succeeds, because it provides people with a visual language that is easily interpreted.
I also have a desire to teach. It was extremely hard for me to find any kind of education like this, so I feel compelled to keep the tradition alive. One area I would specifically like to start teaching in, is anatomy. It is a subject which I have a deep knowledge in, enjoy greatly, and would like to share.