I was first introduced to drawing at twelve years old by my grandmother. When I started, it was a typical once a week art lesson. The classes kept getting a little bit longer because I loved it so much. Before long it turned into an all-day art lesson. Soon I was going off on his own to study art, whether it was from books, the internet, or just drawing from life on my own. Since I took my first art class, I was hooked.
After turning thirteen, I was drawing nearly every day for hours at a time. I spent most of my free time working on art, whether it was painting or drawing. By eighth grade, I was taking credit-free art courses at Manchester Community College, as well as a few watercolor classes. In addition to that, I received a full scholarship to Hartford Art School for portrait and figure drawing classes. Some of my additional experiences in art include taking a colored pencil drawing class with Alexandra Walters (when I was 14).
I started taking classical art lessons from Sandra Wakeen in 2014 doing Atelier style training for about a year and a half. With Sandra, I worked on cast, figure, portrait, master copies, bargue, and landscape drawing and painting. Sandra Wakeen had introduced me to atelier style training which has allowed me to grow exponentially as an artist.
At 17 years old in 2015, I received a full one year scholarship to The Academy of Realist Art in Boston, allowing me to further pursue my passion and drive for fine art. The quality of the instructors and rigorous program that is implemented at the ARA has contributed significantly to my growth as an artist. I am currently finishing my second year of the 4 year program.
Education: James Madison High School (Homeschooled), Academy of Realist ArtArt Schools Attended: Saturday experience at Hartford Art School, Connecticut Art School (weekly art classes), Wakeen Fine Art Studios (weekly art classes since October 2013.Accomplishments: First solo art show (September 2012), invited to join the Tobacco Valley Artist Association with a personal invitation (youngest member), selected for a scholarship by Joye Moon for the Hartford Art School Saturday program, participated in other art exhibits as part of a group (Napkin Art Show, group exhibit with Alexandra Walters, group atelier opening at Wakeen Fine Art Studios, Connecticut Art School yearly exhibit.) Recipient of the full one year scholarship to The Academy of Realist Art ( September 2015). Awarded Outstanding Acrylic in the December 2015 BoldBrush Painting Competition. Finalist in the 2017 Richeson75 art competition