13th ARC Salon Official Award Ceremony
Published on February 15, 2019
On Friday, February 8th, the Art Renewal Center (ARC) held their official Award Ceremony at the MEAM Museum in Barcelona, Spain to launch the opening of the 13th International ARC Salon Exhibition, with great success. The award ceremony consisted of four speakers, Jose Manuel Infiesta, Founder and Director, European Museum of Modern Art (MEAM), Kara Lysandra Ross, Chief Operating Officer/Co-Chair, Art Renewal Center, Ming Yu, Best in Show winner for his painting "In Bvlag", and Jordi Alma Diaz, Director of the Barcelona Academy of Art. Each winner was individually presented with their award and the exhibiting artists were also called up as a group for a photograph and round of applause. The show will remain on view at the MEAM (C/ Barra de Ferro 5, 08003, Barcelona, Spain) until March 31st, 2019.
To learn more about the exhibition visit our 13th ARC Salon Exhibition Page.