The Venetian Technique With Virgil Elliott

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The Venetian Technique With Virgil Elliott

5 January, 2016

ARC Living Master™ Virgil Elliott is conducting a workshop at The Florence Studio, from June 6-17, 2016.

Students will learn how to apply an opaque gray and white (grisaille) underpainting to a master copy and will then develop the drawing and painting using transparent glazes for the shadows and more opaque passages for areas of light. Painters who have used versions of this technique include Old Masters such as Rubens, Rembrandt, Vermeer and Titian. The skills developed throughout this course will be valuable to the future of your own original works. Scumbling, glazing and the importance of value relationships are the focus of this workshop. Classes are small and relaxed in a beautiful studio in the historic center of Florence, Italy.
For more information about this workshop and to register, please click here.