Three New Additions to ARC Live Salon

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Three New Additions to ARC Live Salon

5 September, 2015

Cunning of the Conjurer by Joel Carson Jones
Three new works have been added to the list of paintings to be exhibited in the traveling exhibition for the 2014/2015 ARC Salon. Today we are adding Best Trompe L'oeil, Cunning of the Conjurer by ARC Living Master™ Joel Carson Jones, also First Place in the Sculpture Category, The Reaper by Tyson Snow, and an Honorable Mention in the Figurative Category, The Red Gourd of the Day, by Katsu Nakajima.
"Cunning of the Conjurer not only allowed me to delve into my childhood fascination with metaphysics, but also gave me the opportunity to fuse an investigation of youth with a more pressing metaphor: the artist's buoying of gentleness, beauty, and delicacy slightly above dollar bills, the pecuniary responsibilities of adulthood. Trompe l'oeil enables me to create layers of tensions, space, and separations- - youth and age, play and fear. In a culture where speed and change cause stability and durability to implode, distort, and be recast, the artist is the magician, the one who must find transcendent images and compositions in which to embed a message, a feeling, a hope for the future"

-Joel Carson Jones

We have received a number of requests from artists who have been asked to participate in the live exhibition if we will provide an opportunity for them to sell their paintings. Because of this we have decided to do so. Many of the works on exhibit are also available for sale, a full list of these works can be found at the below link.

To view newly added write-ups on these works and to see which pieces are available for purchase, please visit the page we’ve created for the exhibition by clicking here.