Berlin Museum’s Plan to Replace Old Masters Raises Uproar

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Berlin Museum’s Plan to Replace Old Masters Raises Uproar

August 24, 2012

The plan would display modern art and store old masters paintings for years.

Half of the Gemäldegalerie’s entire collection of old masters paintings, one of Europe’s greatest, will be going into storage. A donated collection of 20th-century art will replace the 3,000 heritage works, a decision that is angering art historians and art lovers around the world.

Please call or write in your complaints to the museum.
To read the full article click here.

The above image is Raffael (1483 - 1520), "Maria mit dem Kind, Johannes d.T. und einem Hl. Knaben (Madonna Terranuova)", and is a part of the Gemäldegalerie's old master collection.