Vigil Elliott lecture on William Bouguereau's Technique

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Vigil Elliott lecture on William Bouguereau's Technique

May 18, 2012

William Bouguereau, his technique and process - Virgil Elliott, lecture and talk at Gold Light Studios - Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - 7:30 pm

Gold Light Studios - 512 Scott Road, Perkasie, Pennsylvania 18944

This is a rare opportunity to hear ARC Living Master™ Virgil Elliott, talk about the 19th-century French academic painter William Bouguereau. Bouguereau employed traditional methods of working up a painting, including detailed pencil studies and oil sketches, and how his careful method resulted in a pleasing and accurate rendering of the human form.

Lecture and talk is free. Sponsored by Red Stone Farm Studio at Gold Light Studio, but please register as seating will be limited. Email your name and email address to: