New technical article and E-book offered on ARC

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New technical article and E-book offered on ARC

January 10, 2012

ARC is pleased to offer How to Create an Underpainting Like the Old Masters: A Step by Step Guide e-book by Eric Bossik.
This e-book is a short 37 step guide on how to create a wipeout underpainting as done by many of the old masters and includes many helpful photographs and good foundational information for this process. Bossik's works have been exhibited in many locations including the Society of Illustrators, the Salamagundi Club, the Art Director's Club of New York, to name a few, and his Historical Military Paintings have been featured on the covers of The Harper Encyclopedia of Military Biography and From Sea to Shining Sea. bossik
To see a sample of this book in our technical articles section, please click here.