The Final Week - Rehs Contemporary, ARC Select: INSIGHT

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The Final Week - Rehs Contemporary, ARC Select: INSIGHT

1 June, 2022

Rehs Contemporary, ARC Select: INSIGHT, presents new works by the winners of the Rehs Contemporary Galleries Award in the 15th ARC Salon Competition.

INSIGHT sets out to explore our connection with artwork in a very express and direct way. In nearly all the works featured in the exhibit, the subject is making eye contact with their audience. It not only creates a personal and intimate moment, but it forces us to give deeper consideration for who or what we are observing. On the surface, you might think the relationship between an artwork and its creator, and artwork and its observer, are incredibly different. Yet in reality, there is a compelling argument to be made that an artwork serves a unified purpose – providing valuable insight to help us understand ourselves and the world around us a little better.

The show is open through June 24. 5 East 57th Street, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10022