{"Id":7580,"Name":"Zimou Tan","Biography":"\u003Cp class=\u0022MsoNormal\u0022\u003EZimou Tan was born and raised in Canton, China and apprenticed to Chinese Master Artist Le, YiFeng at age 12. At age 14 he immigrated to America with his family. Mr. Tan graduated from the Academy of Art College in San Francisco in 2000.\u0026nbsp; There he earned degrees in both Traditional Illustration and Fine Arts.\u0026nbsp;\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp class=\u0022MsoNormal\u0022\u003EZimou Tan was named \u0026ldquo;Chinese Master Artist\u0026rdquo; in December of 2007 by the Chinese government\u0027s Art and Culture department and in 2009 was selected as one of \u0022The 50 Artists Who Impacted China\u0022.\u0026nbsp;\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp class=\u0022MsoNormal\u0022\u003EIn 2006 Mr. Tan won Best of Show at the Morro Bay Art Association Group Exhibit.\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp class=\u0022MsoNormal\u0022\u003EIn 2005, he was the Gold Medal Winner at the Hudson Valley Art Association\u0026rsquo;s 74\u003Csup\u003Eth\u003C/sup\u003E Annual Exhibit and in\u0026nbsp;2003, Tan won the Northern California Gold Metal portrait painting competition.\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp class=\u0022MsoNormal\u0022\u003ETan has exhibited with the California Art Club\u0026rsquo;s gold Medal and Group Exhibits.\u0026nbsp;\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp class=\u0022MsoNormal\u0022\u003EHis paintings have been presented in the New York Portrait Society Gallery in New York City, American Artists Professional League- 73rd Grand National Exhibition in New York City, de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA, the Asia Society of Arts of America, San Francisco, CA and the 20th Annual Marin Open Studio as main feature artist at Corte Madera, CA.\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp class=\u0022MsoNormal\u0022\u003ETan is a member of the California Art Club, Oil Painters of America, and the American Society of Portrait Artists. Zimou\u0026rsquo;s work has been featured in \u003Cem\u003EInternational Artist Magazine\u003C/em\u003E, \u003Cem\u003EArt of the West Magazine\u003C/em\u003E, \u003Cem\u003EThe Artist Magazine\u003C/em\u003E, \u003Cem\u003EStroke of Genius\u003C/em\u003E, and as a front page story for \u003Cem\u003EMarin Independent Journal.\u003C/em\u003E\u0026nbsp;He has been selected as a \u0022Chinese Master Artist\u0022 and \u0022The 50 Artists Who Impacted China\u0022.\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp class=\u0022MsoNormal\u0022\u003EHe has also been selected as a finalist in the Art Renewal Center\u0027s 2014\u003Cspan\u003E, 2015, and 2016\u003C/span\u003E\u0026nbsp;Salon Competitions, and as a finalist in the\u0026nbsp;First World Watercolor Competition in\u0026nbsp;2014. \u0026nbsp;He has been awarded the \u003Cspan style=\u0022color: #10131a; background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;\u0022\u003ECollection Beaux-Arts R\u0026eacute;aliste\u0027s First prise in 2014 and was the g\u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan style=\u0022color: #10131a; background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;\u0022\u003Erand prize winner for \u003Cem\u003EInternational Artist Magazine\u003C/em\u003E\u0026nbsp;Portrait and Figure Challenge of 2015.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp\u003E\u0026nbsp;\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp class=\u0022MsoNormal\u0022\u003EArt is life, life is art; life without art is meaningless\u003C/p\u003E","Awards":null,"HasAlbums":false,"HasPortraits":false,"HasRelationships":false,"HasArticles":false,"HasDepictedPlaces":false,"HasLetters":false,"HasLibraryItems":false,"HasProducts":false,"HasSignatures":false,"HasVideos":false,"HasMapLocations":false,"TotalArtworks":15}