William Adolphe Bouguereau

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William Adolphe Bouguereau

454 artworks

French Academic Classical painter, teacher, frescoist and draftsman

Born 1825 - Died 1905

Born in La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime, Poitou-Charentes, France)

Died in La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime, Poitou-Charentes, France)

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Madone Assise

The Seated Madonna


Oil on canvas

176.5 x 103 cms | 69 1/4 x 40 1/2 ins

Art Gallery of South Australia Adelaide SA 5000 | Australia

4 MPs

Nymphes et Satyre

Nymphs and Satyr


Oil on canvas

260 x 180 cms | 102 1/4 x 70 3/4 ins

Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Williamstown | United States

3 MPs

Vierge Consolatrice

The Virgin of Consolation


Oil on canvas

204 x 148 cms | 80 1/4 x 58 1/4 ins

Les Musees de la Ville de Strasbourg Strasbourg | France

19 MPs

Naissance de Venus

Birth of Venus


Oil on canvas

300 x 218 cms | 118 x 85 3/4 ins

Musee d'Orsay Paris | France

9 MPs

La Vierge aux Anges

The Virgin with Angels


Oil on canvas

213.4 x 152.4 cms | 84 x 60 ins

Museum at Forest Lawn Memorial-Park Glendale | United States

35 MPs

Jeune Prêtresse

Young Priestess


Oil on canvas

181 x 81 cms | 71 1/4 x 31 3/4 ins

Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester Rochester | United States

3 MPs

Petites Maraudeuses

Little Thieves


Oil on canvas

200.5 x 109 cms | 78 3/4 x 42 3/4 ins

Private collection

10 MPs

Le Ravissement de Psyche

The Abduction of Psyche


Oil on canvas

209 x 120 cms | 82 1/4 x 47 ins

Private collection

7 MPs

Jeunes Bohemiennes

Young Gypsies


Oil on canvas

166 x 99 cms | 65 1/4 x 38 3/4 ins

Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross United States

18 MPs

Alma Parens

L'âme parentale

The Motherland


Oil on canvas

230.5 x 139.7 cms | 90 3/4 x 54 3/4 ins

12 MPs

L'Amour au Papillon

Cupid with a Butterfly


Oil on canvas

168 x 117 cms | 66 x 46 ins

Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross United States

2 MPs

La Charité



Oil on canvas

196 x 117 cms | 77 x 46 ins

Private collection

25 MPs




Oil on canvas

230 x 148 cms | 90 1/2 x 58 1/4 ins

Dallas Museum of Fine Arts Dallas | United States

8 MPs

Flagellation de Notre Seigneur Jesus Christ

The Flagellation of Our Lord Jesus Christ


Oil on canvas

309 x 212 cms | 121 1/2 x 83 1/4 ins

Cathedral of La Rochelle La Rochelle | France

26 MPs

Le Repos



Oil on canvas

164 x 107 x 15 cms | 64 1/2 x 42 x 5 3/4 ins

Cleveland Museum of Art Cleveland | United States

33 MPs

L'Amour et Psyche, enfants

Cupid and Psyche as Children


Oil on canvas

119.5 x 71 cms | 47 x 27 3/4 ins

Private collection

12 MPs

La Petite Esméralda

Little Esmeralda

Oil on canvas

100.3 x 80.6 cms | 39 1/4 x 31 1/2 ins

17 MPs
Petite mendiante

Petite mendiante

The little beggar


Oil on canvas

116.8 x 73.7 cms | 46 x 29 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP

Sur le rocher

On the rock

Oil on canvas

114 x 82.5 cms | 44 3/4 x 32 1/4 ins

29 MPs

Admiration Maternelle - Le Bain

Maternal Admiration - The Bath


Oil on canvas

129.9 x 99.7 cms | 51 x 39 1/4 ins

31 MPs

La Grande Soeur

The Big Sister


Oil on canvas

144.8 x 87.6 cms | 57 x 34 1/4 ins

6 MPs

The Proposal


Oil on canvas

163.5 x 111.8 cms | 64 1/4 x 44 ins

Metropolitan Museum of Art Manhattan | United States

10 MPs

Young Mother Gazing at Her Child


Oil on canavs

142.2 x 102.9 cms | 55 3/4 x 40 1/2 ins

Metropolitan Museum of Art Manhattan | United States

40 MPs

The Elder Sister


Oil on canvas

130.2 x 97.2 cms | 51 1/4 x 38 1/4 ins

Museum of Fine Arts Houston | United States

27 MPs
Idylle: famille antique

Idylle: famille antique

Idyll: Ancient Family

Oil on canvas

92.1 x 73 cms | 36 1/4 x 28 1/2 ins

8 MPs
La soupe au lait

La soupe au lait

Milk Soup


Oil on canvas

50.2 x 36.8 cms | 19 3/4 x 14 1/4 ins

7 MPs
Girl with a Pomegranate

Girl with a Pomegranate


Oil on canvas

59.6 x 45.7 cms | 23 1/4 x 17 3/4 ins

12 MPs



8 MPs




Oil on canvas

100.3 x 80.6 cms | 39 1/4 x 31 1/2 ins

8 MPs
La soeur aînée, réduction

La soeur aînée, réduction

The Elder Sister, reduction

c. 1864

Oil on panel

The Brooklyn Museum Brooklyn | United States

26 MPs



Oil on canvas

280 x 130 cms | 110 x 51 ins

Musee d'Orsay Paris | France

2 MPs
La Perle

La Perle

The Pearl


Oil on canvas

141 x 75.6 cms | 55 1/2 x 29 3/4 ins

6 MPs
La palme

La palme

The Palm Leaf


Oil on canvas

100.1 x 57.2 cms | 39 1/4 x 22 1/2 ins

Private collection

2 MPs
Le Passage du gué

Le Passage du gué

The Crossing of the Ford

Oil on canvas

Private collection

3 MPs

La Bourrique

The Horseback Ride


Oil on canvas

137 x 101.5 cms | 53 3/4 x 39 3/4 ins

9 MPs

La Priere

The Prayer


oil on canvas

Private collection

1 MPs
Entre la richesse et l'amour

Entre la richesse et l'amour

Between wealth and love


Oil on canvas

106.5 x 89 cms | 41 3/4 x 35 ins

8 MPs

Jeune Fille et Enfant

Young Girl and Child


Oil on canvas

59.3 x 47.6 cms | 23 1/4 x 18 1/2 ins

5 MPs
Portrait de Gabrielle Cot

Portrait de Gabrielle Cot

Portrait of Gabrielle Cot


Oil on canvas

45.5 x 38 cms | 17 3/4 x 14 3/4 ins

Private collection

4 MPs
A Portrait of Genevieve Bouguereau

A Portrait of Genevieve Bouguereau


Oil on canvas

46.2 x 41.3 cms | 18 x 16 1/4 ins

Private collection

6 MPs

L'italienne au tambourin

Italian Girl with Tambourine

Oil on canvas

64.1 x 54.2 cms | 25 x 21 1/4 ins

3 MPs

Portrait of a Young Girl

Oil on canvas

44.5 x 36.8 cms | 17 1/2 x 14 1/4 ins

Private collection

2 MPs
A Portrait of Amelina Dufaud Bouguereau

A Portrait of Amelina Dufaud Bouguereau


Oil on canvas

55.9 x 45.7 cms | 22 x 17 3/4 ins

Private collection

6 MPs
A Portrait of Eugène Bouguereau

A Portrait of Eugène Bouguereau


Oil on canvas

46.2 x 41.3 cms | 18 x 16 1/4 ins

Private collection

5 MPs



Oil on canvas

Public collection

Credit: John Lovelady

4 MPs
A Portrait of Léonie Bouguereau

A Portrait of Léonie Bouguereau


Oil on board

28.5 x 22.9 cms | 11 x 9 ins

Private collection

5 MPs
Zénobia retrouvée par les bergers sur les bords de l'Araxe

Zénobia retrouvée par les bergers sur les bords de l'Araxe

Zenobia Found by Shepherds on the Banks of the Araxes


Oil on canvas

148 x 118 cms | 58 1/4 x 46 1/4 ins

Ecole des Beaux-Arts Paris | France

5 MPs
Le jour des morts

Le jour des morts

The Day of the Dead


Oil on canvas

147 x 120 cms | 57 3/4 x 47 ins

Musee des Beaux-Arts Bordeaux | France

5 MPs


The Idyll


Oil on canvas

73.7 x 60.3 cms | 29 x 23 1/2 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP
Le sommeil

Le sommeil

Asleep at last


Oil on canvas

61.6 x 51.4 cms | 24 1/4 x 20 ins

Private collection

9 MPs
Le Baiser

Le Baiser

The Kiss


Oil on canvas

113.7 x 86.4 cms | 44 3/4 x 34 ins

Private collection

6 MPs

Femme de Cervara et Son Enfant

Woman of Cervara and Her Child


Oil on canvas

109.2 x 83.2 cms | 42 3/4 x 32 3/4 ins

Credit: John Lovelady

less than 1 MP
Tobias Saying Goodbye to his Father

Tobias Saying Goodbye to his Father


Oil on canvas

Public collection

Credit: John Lovelady

2 MPs
Sainte Famille

Sainte Famille

The Holy Family


Oil on canvas

137 x 108 cms | 53 3/4 x 42 1/2 ins

Private collection

3 MPs



Oil on canvas

131 x 85 cms | 51 1/2 x 33 1/4 ins

Private collection

7 MPs

Loin du pays

Far From Home


Oil on canvas

91.4 x 61.9 cms | 35 3/4 x 24 1/4 ins

Museo de Arte Ponce | Puerto Rico

24 MPs
Bohemienne au Tambour de Basque

Bohemienne au Tambour de Basque

Gypsy Girl with a Basque Drum


Oil on canvas

100 x 63.5 cms | 39 1/4 x 25 ins

Private collection

8 MPs
Le voeu

Le voeu

The Vow


Oil on canvas

147 x 108 cms | 57 3/4 x 42 1/2 ins

Private collection

5 MPs
La soupe

La soupe



Oil on canvas

73.7 x 57.2 cms | 29 x 22 1/2 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP
Jeune Bergere

Jeune Bergere

Young Shepherdess


Oil on canvas

106 x 72 cms | 41 1/2 x 28 1/4 ins

Private collection

3 MPs
Admiration Maternelle

Admiration Maternelle

Maternal Admiration


Oil on canvas

116 x 89 cms | 45 1/2 x 35 ins

Private collection

4 MPs
L'oiseau Chéri

L'oiseau Chéri

Dear Bird


Oil on canvas

87.5 x 69 cms | 34 1/4 x 27 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP
Le crabe

Le crabe

The Crab


Oil on canvas

81 x 65.5 cms | 31 3/4 x 25 3/4 ins

Private collection

3 MPs

La Priere

The Prayer


Oil on canvas

Private collection

less than 1 MP
Jeune Italienne puisant de l'eau

Jeune Italienne puisant de l'eau

Italian Girl Drawing Water


Oil on canvas

119.5 x 79 cms | 47 x 31 ins

Private collection

3 MPs
Le retour du marché

Le retour du marché

Returned from the market


Oil on canvas

61 x 51 cms | 24 x 20 ins

Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross United States

5 MPs



Oil on canvas

100.4 x 81.3 cms | 39 1/2 x 32 ins

Private collection

8 MPs
Lady with Glove

Lady with Glove


Oil on canvas

Public collection

less than 1 MP

Les Deux Soeurs

The Two Sisters


Oil on canvas

136 x 78 cms | 53 1/2 x 30 1/2 ins

Private collection

1 MPs
Enfant tressant une couronne

Enfant tressant une couronne

Child braiding a crown


Oil on canvas

86.3 x 55.7 cms | 33 3/4 x 21 3/4 ins

Private collection

5 MPs
Le Coquillage

Le Coquillage

The Seashell


Oil on canvas

131 x 89.5 cms | 51 1/2 x 35 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP




Oil on canvas mounted on panel

89.5 x 64.1 cms | 35 x 25 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP
Promenade à âne

Promenade à âne

Donkey Ride


Oil on canvas

241.3 x 107.2 cms | 95 x 42 ins

Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens Jacksonville | United States

2 MPs
La Vierge, L'Enfant Jesus et Saint Jean Baptiste

La Vierge, L'Enfant Jesus et Saint Jean Baptiste

The Virgin, Baby Jesus and Saint John the Baptist


Oil on canvas

190.5 x 111 cms | 75 x 43 1/2 ins

Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art Cornell University Ithaca | United States

3 MPs
La leçon difficile

La leçon difficile

The difficult lesson


Oil on canvas

97.8 x 66 cms | 38 1/2 x 25 3/4 ins

Private collection

4 MPs
La frileuse

La frileuse

Chilly girl


Oil on canvas

Public collection

Credit: John Lovelady

less than 1 MP
Au Bord du Ruisseau

Au Bord du Ruisseau

At the Edge of the Brook


Oil on canvas

120.5 x 91.5 cms | 47 1/4 x 36 ins

Private collection

8 MPs
The Bather

The Bather


Oil on canvas

Public collection

Credit: Brian Yoder's GoodArt Gallery

less than 1 MP
Frère et sœr

Frère et sœr

Brother and Sister


Oil on canvas

179 x 80 cms | 70 1/4 x 31 1/4 ins

Private collection

3 MPs

Le Jour



Oil on canvas

207 x 108 cms | 81 1/4 x 42 1/2 ins

Private collection

7 MPs
Femme au Coquillage

Femme au Coquillage

Woman with Seashell


Oil on canvas

Public collection

Credit: Brian Yoder's GoodArt Gallery

less than 1 MP
La soeur aînée

La soeur aînée

Big sis'


Oil on canvas

Private collection

4 MPs
Étude : tête de petite fille

Étude : tête de petite fille

Study : head of a little girl


Oil on canvas

24 x 18.5 cms | 9 1/4 x 7 1/4 ins

Private collection

4 MPs
Petites mendiantes

Petites mendiantes

Little beggars


Oil on canvas

161 x 93.5 cms | 63 1/4 x 36 3/4 ins

Syracuse University Art Collection Syracuse | United States

less than 1 MP


The Little Shepherdess



Oil on canvas

159 x 93 cms | 62 1/2 x 36 1/2 ins

The Philbrook Museum of Art Tulsa | United States

16 MPs

Le pichet cassé

The Broken Pitcher


Oil on canvas

133 x 85.5 cms | 52 1/4 x 33 1/2 ins

The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco SF | United States

18 MPs
Boucles D'Oreilles

Boucles D'Oreilles

The earrings


Oil on canvas

Public collection

Credit: John Lovelady

2 MPs
Jeune fille au crochet

Jeune fille au crochet

Young girl crocheting


Oil on canvas

61 x 46.4 cms | 24 x 18 1/4 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP
The Goose Girl

The Goose Girl


Oil on canvas

Public collection

Credit: John Lovelady

less than 1 MP
L'Amour Mouille

L'Amour Mouille

Wet Cupid


Oil on canvas

155.5 x 84.5 cms | 61 x 33 1/4 ins

Private collection

1 MPs
Le Travail Interrompu

Le Travail Interrompu

Work Interrupted


Oil on canvas

163.5 x 100 cms | 64 1/4 x 39 1/4 ins

Mead Art Museum, Amherst College Amherst | United States

4 MPs




Oil on canvas

107 x 65 cms | 42 x 25 1/2 ins

Private collection

3 MPs
Amour a l'affut

Amour a l'affut

Love on the Look Out


Oil on canvas

Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross United States

2 MPs



Oil on canvas

Private collection

8 MPs
Petite fille tenant des pommes dans les mains

Petite fille tenant des pommes dans les mains

Little girl holding apples in her hands


Oil on canvas

93.5 x 55 cms | 36 3/4 x 21 1/2 ins

Private collection

7 MPs
The Mischievous One

The Mischievous One


Oil on canvas

94.6 x 59.7 cms | 37 x 23 1/2 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP
Les Prunes

Les Prunes



Oil on canvas

96.5 x 60.5 cms | 37 3/4 x 23 3/4 ins

Private collection

4 MPs
Petite fille au bouquet

Petite fille au bouquet

Little girl with a bouquet


Oil on canvas laid down on mas

65.4 x 54.6 cms | 25 1/2 x 21 1/4 ins

Private collection

5 MPs
Les agneaux

Les agneaux



Oil on canvas

182 x 92 cms | 71 1/2 x 36 ins

Private collection

6 MPs



Oil on canvas

87.5 x 54.4 cms | 34 1/4 x 21 1/4 ins

Private collection

3 MPs



Oil on canvas

Columbus Museum of Art Columbus | United States

3 MPs
Fardeau Agreable

Fardeau Agreable

Not too Much to Carry


Oil on canvas

112 x 76 cms | 44 x 29 3/4 ins

Private collection

2 MPs

Une vocation

A calling


Oil on canvas

105.5 x 70 x 10.6 cms | 41 1/2 x 27 1/2 x 4 ins

Cleveland Museum of Art Cleveland | United States

8 MPs
Un moment de repos

Un moment de repos

A moment's rest


Oil on canvas

149.5 x 72.5 cms | 58 3/4 x 28 1/2 ins

Private collection

3 MPs
La révérence

La révérence

The curtsey


Oil on canvas

138 x 74.5 cms | 54 1/4 x 29 1/4 ins

Private collection

3 MPs
Avant le bain

Avant le bain

Before the Bath


Oil on canvas

134.5 x 75 cms | 52 3/4 x 29 1/2 ins

Private collection

3 MPs
Retour des champs

Retour des champs

Returned from the fields


Oil on canvas

128 x 71 cms | 50 1/4 x 27 3/4 ins

Private collection

3 MPs
La couturière

La couturière



Oil on canvas

115.5 x 71 cms | 45 1/4 x 27 3/4 ins

Private collection

3 MPs



Oil on canvas

117.5 x 73.7 cms | 46 1/4 x 29 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP
Les pommes

Les pommes



Oil on canvas

66 x 51.5 cms | 25 3/4 x 20 1/4 ins

Private collection

5 MPs
Rêve de printemps

Rêve de printemps

A Dream of Spring


Oil on canvas

Indianapolis Museum of Art Indianapolis | United States

7 MPs
Le jeune frere

Le jeune frere

Little brother


Oil on canvas

100 x 73 cms | 39 1/4 x 28 1/2 ins

Private collection

5 MPs
Le jeune frère

Le jeune frère

Little brother


Oil on canvas

137.2 x 92.7 cms | 54 x 36 1/4 ins

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Richmond | United States

3 MPs

Les Oreades

The Oreads


Oil on canvas

236 x 182 cms | 92 3/4 x 71 1/2 ins

Musee d'Orsay Paris | France

Credit: John Lovelady

less than 1 MP
La Vierge à L'agneau

La Vierge à L'agneau

Virgin and Lamb


Tondo / Oil on canvas

cms | ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP

Beauté Romane


Oil on canvas

180.4 x 81.2 cms | 71 x 31 3/4 ins

Public collection

Credit: John Lovelady

less than 1 MP
La Tricoteuse

La Tricoteuse

The Little Knitter


Oil on canvas

Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross United States

Credit: Fred Ross

less than 1 MP

L'amour et Psyché

Cupid and Psyche


Oil on canvas

220 x 128 cms | 86 1/2 x 50 1/4 ins

Private collection

2 MPs
Petite boudeuse

Petite boudeuse

The little sulk


Oil on canvas

123 x 86 cms | 48 1/4 x 33 3/4 ins

Rahr-West Museum Manitowoc | United States

5 MPs
Portrait de l'artiste

Portrait de l'artiste

Portrait of the Artist


Oil on canvas

46.5 x 38.5 cms | 18 1/4 x 15 ins

Montreal Museum of Arts Montréal | Canada

2 MPs
Le Gué

Le Gué

The Ford


Oil on canvas

155 x 71 cms | 61 x 27 3/4 ins

Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross United States

5 MPs
Douleur d'amour

Douleur d'amour



Oil on canvas

Private collection

8 MPs


A Little Coaxing


Oil on canvas

145 x 91 cms | 57 x 35 3/4 ins

Private collection

2 MPs


The Spinner


Oil on canvas

160 x 91.5 cms | 62 3/4 x 36 ins

Private collection

2 MPs
Jeune Bergere

Jeune Bergere

Young Shepherdess


Oil on canvas laid down on boa

157.5 x 72.5 cms | 62 x 28 1/2 ins

San Diego Museum of Art San Diego | United States

2 MPs
Jeune Fille Allant à la Fontaine

Jeune Fille Allant à la Fontaine

Young Girl Going to the Fountain


Oil on canvas

160.5 x 73.5 cms | 63 x 28 3/4 ins

Dahesh Museum New York | United States

7 MPs
La Vierge, L'Enfant Jesus et Saint Jean Baptiste

La Vierge, L'Enfant Jesus et Saint Jean Baptiste

The Virgin, the Baby Jesus and Saint John the Baptist


Oil on canvas

200.5 x 122 cms | 78 3/4 x 48 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP
La Tricoteuse

La Tricoteuse

The Little Knitter


Oil on canvas

100.5 x 60.5 cms | 39 1/2 x 23 3/4 ins

Appleton Museum of Art, Florida University Ocala

2 MPs
L'art et la Litterature

L'art et la Litterature

Art and Literature


Oil on canvas

200 x 108 cms | 78 1/2 x 42 1/2 ins

Arnot Art Museum Elmira | United States

2 MPs
Le Printemps

Le Printemps



Oil on canvas

215 x 117 cms | 84 1/2 x 46 ins

Joslyn Art Museum Omaha | United States

2 MPs
Une vocation

Une vocation

A calling


Oil on canvas

56 x 45.5 cms | 22 x 17 3/4 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP
L'Eveil du Coeur

L'Eveil du Coeur

The Heart's Awakening


Oil on canvas

160 x 111 cms | 62 3/4 x 43 1/2 ins

Private collection

20 MPs
Les Noisettes

Les Noisettes



Oil on canvas

87.5 x 134 cms | 34 1/4 x 52 3/4 ins

Detroit Institute of Art Detroit | United States

10 MPs



Oil on canvas

132 x 86.5 cms | 51 3/4 x 34 ins

Joslyn Art Museum Omaha | United States

less than 1 MP


The Storm


Oil on canvas

Private collection

5 MPs


The Little Knitter


Oil on canvas

100.5 x 60.5 cms | 39 1/2 x 23 3/4 ins

Private collection

2 MPs
Jeune Bergere Debout

Jeune Bergere Debout

Young Sherpherdess Standing


Oil on canvas

157.5 x 73.5 cms | 62 x 28 3/4 ins

Private collection

5 MPs
La Vague

La Vague

The Wave


Oil on canvas

121 x 160.5 cms | 47 1/2 x 63 ins

Private collection

15 MPs
A la Fontaine

A la Fontaine

At the Fountain


Oil on canvas

153 x 94 cms | 60 x 37 ins

Private collection

4 MPs
Homere et son Guide

Homere et son Guide

Homer and his Guide


Oil on canvas

209 x 143 cms | 82 1/4 x 56 1/4 ins

Milwaukee Art Museum Milwaukee | United States

2 MPs
Le Goûter

Le Goûter

Le Gouter-Just a Taste


Oil on canvas

115.5 x 70 cms | 45 1/4 x 27 1/2 ins

Private collection

2 MPs
La Madone aux Roses

La Madone aux Roses

The Madonna of the Roses


Oil on canvas

130 x 90.5 cms | 51 x 35 1/2 ins

The Gould Mansion Tarrytown Tarrytown | United States

2 MPs

Baigneuse Assise


Oil on canvas

64 x 41 cms | 25 x 16 ins

Private collection

2 MPs
Fishing for Frogs

Fishing for Frogs


Oil on canvas

142 x 111.5 cms | 55 3/4 x 43 3/4 ins

Private collection

7 MPs


The Knitter


Oil on canvas

137 x 101.5 cms | 53 3/4 x 39 3/4 ins

Springfield Museum of Fine Arts Springfield | United States

1 MPs


The Haymaker


Oil on canvas

101.5 x 81 cms | 39 3/4 x 31 3/4 ins

Carnegie Museum of Art Pittsburgh | United States

3 MPs

Frère et sœur Bretons

Breton Brother and Sister


Oil on canvas

129 x 89 cms | 50 3/4 x 35 ins

Metropolitan Museum of Art Manhattan | United States

38 MPs

Jeune Fille se Defendant Contre L'amour

Young Girl Defending herself against Cupid


Oil on canvas

North Carolina Museum of Art Raleigh | United States

25 MPs
La Nymphée

La Nymphée

The Nymphaeum


Oil on canvas

144.8 x 209.5 cms | 57 x 82 1/4 ins

The Haggin Museum Stockton | United States

3 MPs




Oil on canvas

147 x 200 cms | 57 3/4 x 78 1/2 ins

San Antonio Museum of Art San Antonio | United States

5 MPs
Abbot Hontonx

Abbot Hontonx

Oil on canvas

62 x 54 cms | 24 1/4 x 21 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP



Oil on canvas

160.6 x 97.7 cms | 63 x 38 1/4 ins

3 MPs
Manon Lescaut

Manon Lescaut

Oil on canvas

22.5 x 18.5 cms | 8 3/4 x 7 1/4 ins

Wadsworth Atheneum Hartford | United States

less than 1 MP
Portrait of Ferdinand Chaigneau

Portrait of Ferdinand Chaigneau

Oil on canvas

77 x 60 cms | 30 1/4 x 23 1/2 ins

3 MPs
Marchande de grenades

Marchande de grenades

The Pomegranate Seller


Oil on canvas

115.6 x 88.9 cms | 45 1/2 x 35 ins

2 MPs
Cupid and Psyche

Cupid and Psyche

c. 1845-1850

Oil on canvas

36.8 x 30.5 cms | 14 1/4 x 12 ins

York Museums Trust York | United States

less than 1 MP

Portrait of Marie-Célina Brieu


Oil on canvas

139.5 x 105 cms | 54 3/4 x 41 1/4 ins

3 MPs
Odysseus and Eurycleia

Odysseus and Eurycleia


Oil on canvas

114 x 145 cms | 44 3/4 x 57 ins

Musee des beaux-arts de La Rochelle La Rochelle | France

less than 1 MP



Oil on canvas

55 x 56 cms | 21 1/2 x 22 ins

École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts Paris | France

less than 1 MP
Half Length Figure

Half Length Figure


Oil on canvas

99.5 x 81 cms | 39 x 31 3/4 ins

École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts Paris | France

2 MPs

Portrait of Fernand Bartholoni

c. 1850-1859

Oil on canvas

55.5 x 46 cms | 21 3/4 x 18 ins

1 MPs
Portrait of Monsieur M.

Portrait of Monsieur M.


Oil on canvas

87 x 70.5 cms | 34 1/4 x 27 3/4 ins

Norton Simon Museum of Art Pasadena | United States

1 MPs
Study for 'Italian Lovers'

Study for 'Italian Lovers'


Oil on canvas

93 x 73 cms | 36 1/2 x 28 1/2 ins

3 MPs
Study for 'Zenobia Found by Shepherds on the Banks of the Araxes'

Study for 'Zenobia Found by Shepherds on the Banks of the Araxes'


Oil on canvas

32 x 24 cms | 12 1/2 x 9 1/4 ins

École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts Paris | France

less than 1 MP




Oil on canvas

244 x 176 cms | 96 x 69 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Portrait de Charles Garnier

Portrait de Charles Garnier

Portrait of Charles Garnier


41 x 32.5 cms | 16 x 12 3/4 ins

École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts Paris | France

less than 1 MP
The Battle of the Centaurs and Lapithae

The Battle of the Centaurs and Lapithae


Oil on canvas

124.5 x 174.3 cms | 49 x 68 1/2 ins

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Richmond | United States

2 MPs



Oil on canvas

41.9 x 32.2 cms | 16 1/4 x 12 1/2 ins

Musee des Beaux-Arts Valenciennes | France

1 MPs
Four Times of the Day

Four Times of the Day


Charcoal on paper

less than 1 MP
The Triumph of Venus

The Triumph of Venus


Oil on canvas

135.9 x 114.3 cms | 53 1/2 x 45 ins

less than 1 MP
Wounded Cupid

Wounded Cupid


Oil on canvas

81.6 x 65.4 cms | 32 x 25 1/2 ins

less than 1 MP



Oil on canvas

80 x 152.5 cms | 31 1/4 x 60 ins

less than 1 MP
Emile Pereire's Hôtel, Putti on a Gryffon

Emile Pereire's Hôtel, Putti on a Gryffon


Oil on canvas

63.5 x 83.8 cms | 25 x 32 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Emile Pereire's Hôtel, Putti on a Sea Monster

Emile Pereire's Hôtel, Putti on a Sea Monster


Oil on canvas

less than 1 MP
Life of Saint-Louis: Saint Louis Caring for the Plague Victims

Life of Saint-Louis: Saint Louis Caring for the Plague Victims


Oil on panel

167 x 292 cms | 65 1/2 x 114 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Life of Saint-Louis: Saint Louis Rendering Justice

Life of Saint-Louis: Saint Louis Rendering Justice


Oil on panel

167 x 292 cms | 65 1/2 x 114 3/4 ins

Basilique Sainte-Clotilde Paris | France

less than 1 MP



Oil on canvas

85 x 107.3 cms | 33 1/4 x 42 ins

Saint Louis Art Museum St. Louis | United States

less than 1 MP
Study of a Young Girl's Head

Study of a Young Girl's Head

1860 BC-1870

Oil and pencil on canvas

45.7 x 38.7 cms | 17 3/4 x 15 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP
La Première Discorde

La Première Discorde

Cain and Abel

The First Disagreement


Oil on canvas

196.2 x 150.5 cms | 77 x 59 1/4 ins

2 MPs


The Muse


Oil on canvas

135.3 x 95.3 cms | 53 1/4 x 37 1/2 ins

less than 1 MP
Study for 'Les Remords d'Oreste'

Study for 'Les Remords d'Oreste'

Study for 'Orestes Pursued by the Furies'

c. 1861-1862

Pen and ink with oil

31 x 42 cms | 12 x 16 1/2 ins

Musee d'Orsay Paris | France

less than 1 MP
Study of a Woman's Head

Study of a Woman's Head

c. 1861

Oil on canvas

41.5 x 33.3 cms | 16 1/4 x 13 ins

3 MPs
A Bacchant and a Goat

A Bacchant and a Goat


Oil on canvas

160.5 x 228 cms | 63 x 89 3/4 ins

Musee des Beaux-Arts Bordeaux | France

2 MPs



Oil on canvas

65.4 x 44.1 cms | 25 1/2 x 17 1/4 ins

3 MPs
Study for 'The Holy Family'

Study for 'The Holy Family'

c. 1863

Oil on board

27.3 x 17.8 cms | 10 1/2 x 7 ins

3 MPs



Oil on canvas

Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent | Belgium

2 MPs
The War

The War


Oil on canvas

83.9 x 105.5 cms | 33 x 41 1/2 ins

less than 1 MP
Portrait of a Girl

Portrait of a Girl


Oil on canvas

38.1 x 27.9 cms | 15 x 10 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP
The Awakening

The Awakening


Oil on canvas

100.3 x 81.3 cms | 39 1/4 x 32 ins

less than 1 MP
The Oranges

The Oranges


Oil on canvas

117 x 90 cms | 46 x 35 1/4 ins

3 MPs
Intérieur d'une cour

Intérieur d'une cour

Interior of a Backyard


less than 1 MP
Alone in the World

Alone in the World

c. 1867

Oil on canvas

100 x 67.5 cms | 39 1/4 x 26 1/2 ins

less than 1 MP
Portrait of Eva and Frances Johnston

Portrait of Eva and Frances Johnston


Oil on canvas

100.3 x 81.3 cms | 39 1/4 x 32 ins

less than 1 MP



Oil on canvas

101.6 x 82.6 cms | 40 x 32 1/2 ins

less than 1 MP
Venus and Cupid

Venus and Cupid

c. 1870-1879

Oil on canvas

195.5 x 106.5 cms | 76 3/4 x 41 3/4 ins

Museum of John Paul II Collection Warszawa | Poland

less than 1 MP

The Reaper


Oil on canvas

179.1 x 115.9 cms | 70 1/2 x 45 1/2 ins

3 MPs
The Toilet of Venus

The Toilet of Venus


Oil on canvas

170 x 130 cms | 66 3/4 x 51 ins

Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes Argentina

less than 1 MP



Oil on canvas

101.6 x 76.2 cms | 40 x 30 ins

3 MPs
Portrait of Madame Boucicaut

Portrait of Madame Boucicaut


Oil on canvas

less than 1 MP
The Little Knitter

The Little Knitter


Oil on canvas

115 x 81 cms | 45 1/4 x 31 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Little Girl

Little Girl


Oil on canvas

45.5 x 38 cms | 17 3/4 x 14 3/4 ins

National Museum of Western Art Taito | Japan

3 MPs
Study of Augustine's Head

Study of Augustine's Head

1878 BC

Oil on canvas

41.9 x 33.9 cms | 16 1/4 x 13 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP
The Little Hug

The Little Hug


Oil on canvas

115.5 x 81.2 cms | 45 1/4 x 31 3/4 ins

1 MPs
A Standing Female Nude Surrounded by Doves, Study for 'Venus with Doves'

A Standing Female Nude Surrounded by Doves, Study for 'Venus with Doves'


Chalk on paper

59 x 30 cms | 23 x 11 3/4 ins

2 MPs
Little Girl with a Blue Bowl

Little Girl with a Blue Bowl


Oil on canvas

less than 1 MP
The Little Wound

The Little Wound


Oil on canvas

96.5 x 62.2 cms | 37 3/4 x 24 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP
The Rest

The Rest


Oil on canvas

72 x 148 cms | 28 1/4 x 58 1/4 ins

2 MPs
A Young Girl in Profile

A Young Girl in Profile


Oil on canvas

40 x 33 cms | 15 3/4 x 13 ins

1 MPs
Nature's Fan

Nature's Fan


Oil on canvas

Portland Museum of Art Portland | United States

5 MPs
Times of the Day: Aurora

Times of the Day: Aurora


Oil on canvas

124.4 x 63.7 cms | 48 3/4 x 25 ins

2 MPs
Orphan Girl at a Fountain

Orphan Girl at a Fountain


Oil on canvas

144.8 x 87.6 cms | 57 x 34 1/4 ins

2 MPs
Love Disarmed

Love Disarmed


120 x 97 cms | 47 x 38 ins

1 MPs
A Little Girl

A Little Girl


Oil on canvas

35.4 x 27.3 cms | 13 3/4 x 10 1/2 ins

3 MPs
Morning Breakfast

Morning Breakfast


Oil on canvas

90.8 x 55.9 cms | 35 1/2 x 22 ins

2 MPs
Songs of Spring

Songs of Spring


Oil on canvas

148.6 x 99.7 cms | 58 1/2 x 39 1/4 ins

1 MPs
The Snack

The Snack


Oil on canvas

121.9 x 76.2 cms | 48 x 30 ins

less than 1 MP
Raspberry Girl

Raspberry Girl


Oil on canvas

137.2 x 83.2 cms | 54 x 32 3/4 ins

St. Johnsbury Athenaeum St Johnsbury | United States

less than 1 MP
The Little Knitter

The Little Knitter


Oil on canvas

97.2 x 61 cms | 38 1/4 x 24 ins

less than 1 MP
Le Guêpier

Le Guêpier

The Wasp's Nest


Oil on canvas

213 x 152.5 cms | 83 3/4 x 60 ins

Private collection

20 MPs
Study of a Woman's Head

Study of a Woman's Head


Oil on canvas

46 x 38 cms | 18 x 14 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP



Oil on canvas

71.1 x 50.8 cms | 27 3/4 x 20 ins

3 MPs

Prêtresse de Bacchus

Priestess of Bacchus


Oil on canvas

171 x 91.4 cms | 67 1/4 x 35 3/4 ins

2 MPs
The Secret

The Secret


Oil on canvas

less than 1 MP
Study of a Woman's Head

Study of a Woman's Head

c. 1895

Oil on canvas

46 x 38 cms | 18 x 14 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP
The Song of the Nightingale

The Song of the Nightingale


Oil on canvas

27.9 x 17 cms | 11 x 6 1/2 ins

Dayton Art Institute Dayton | United States

less than 1 MP



Oil on canvas

116.8 x 73 cms | 45 3/4 x 28 1/2 ins

less than 1 MP



Oil on canvas

100.3 x 69.3 cms | 39 1/4 x 27 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP



Oil on canvas

46.6 x 38.1 cms | 18 1/4 x 15 ins

3 MPs
Portrait of Madame Olry-Roederer

Portrait of Madame Olry-Roederer


Oil on canvas

193 x 108 cms | 75 3/4 x 42 1/2 ins

less than 1 MP
Study of a Woman's Head

Study of a Woman's Head

c. 1900-1902

Oil on canvas

35 x 27.5 cms | 13 3/4 x 10 3/4 ins

3 MPs
Sketch for 'Tender Thoughts'

Sketch for 'Tender Thoughts'


Oil on canvas

32.5 x 21.5 cms | 12 3/4 x 8 1/4 ins

3 MPs
Tender Thoughts

Tender Thoughts


Oil on canvas

190.5 x 121.9 cms | 75 x 48 ins

Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art Cornell University Ithaca | United States

2 MPs
The Snack

The Snack


Oil on canvas

88.5 x 55.8 cms | 34 3/4 x 21 3/4 ins

3 MPs



Oil on canvas

65.4 x 47.9 cms | 25 1/2 x 18 3/4 ins

3 MPs



Oil on canvas

100.3 x 80.6 cms | 39 1/4 x 31 1/2 ins

1 MPs
The Rock Flower

The Rock Flower


Oil on canvas

3 MPs
Regina Angelorum

Regina Angelorum


Oil on canvas

285 x 185 cms | 112 x 72 3/4 ins

Musee du Petit Palais Paris | France

4 MPs
Sur la Greve

Sur la Greve

On the Rocky Beach


Oil on canvas

142 x 91.5 cms | 55 3/4 x 36 ins

Detroit Institute of Art Detroit | United States

3 MPs
Blessures d'Amour

Blessures d'Amour

The Wounds of Love


Oil on canvas

191.8 x 114.3 cms | 75 1/2 x 45 ins

Private collection

2 MPs
Joueur de Flute

Joueur de Flute



Oil on Canvas

40.6 x 33 cms | 15 3/4 x 12 3/4 ins

Private collection

3 MPs

Le Bouquet de Violettes


Oil on Canvas

65 x 55 cms | 25 1/2 x 21 1/2 ins

Private collection

3 MPs
Les Enfants a L'Agneau

Les Enfants a L'Agneau


Oil on Canvas

60.3 x 46.3 cms | 23 1/2 x 18 ins

Private collection

7 MPs

Rêverie sur le seuil

Reverie on the Threshold


Oil on canvas

95.9 x 60.3 cms | 37 3/4 x 23 3/4 ins

Private collection

3 MPs
Water Carrier

Water Carrier

Oil on canvas

139.7 x 78.8 cms | 54 3/4 x 31 ins

less than 1 MP


Oil on Canvas

71.1 x 50.8 cms | 27 3/4 x 20 ins

Private collection

3 MPs
Le Livre d'Heures

Le Livre d'Heures

The Book of Hours


Oil on canvas

66 x 53.3 cms | 25 3/4 x 20 3/4 ins

3 MPs



Oil on canvas

4 MPs
Head of a Woman

Head of a Woman


Oil on canvas

45 x 40 cms | 17 1/2 x 15 1/2 ins

Musee d'Hazebrouck Hazebrouck | France

less than 1 MP
La faneuse

La faneuse



Oil on canvas

116.8 x 83.8 cms | 45 3/4 x 32 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Italian Child Holding a Crust of Bread

Italian Child Holding a Crust of Bread


Oil on canvas

less than 1 MP
La Dévideuse

La Dévideuse

The Unwinder


Oil on canvas

160.6 x 97.7 cms | 63 x 38 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Venus with Doves

Venus with Doves

c. 1879

Oil on canvas

81.6 x 46.7 cms | 32 x 18 1/4 ins

Ackland Art Museum Chapel Hill | United States

less than 1 MP
Harvest of Hazelnuts

Harvest of Hazelnuts


Oil on canvas

161.6 x 113.7 cms | 63 1/2 x 44 3/4 ins

1 MPs
Au Pied de la Falaise

Au Pied de la Falaise

At the Foot of the Cliff


Oil on canvas

2 MPs
Going to the Bath

Going to the Bath

c. 1890-1859

Oil on canvas

55.3 x 45.7 cms | 21 3/4 x 18 ins

St. Johnsbury Athenaeum St Johnsbury | United States

less than 1 MP
Head of a Young Girl

Head of a Young Girl


Oil on canvas

46.9 x 38.7 cms | 18 1/4 x 15 ins

3 MPs

L'Amour Piqué

Love Struck


Oil on canvas

116.5 x 62.5 cms | 45 3/4 x 24 1/2 ins

2 MPs
The Reading Girl

The Reading Girl


Oil on canvas

116.8 x 80.6 cms | 45 3/4 x 31 1/2 ins

3 MPs
Young Girl of La Rochelle, study for Le Gué (The Ford)

Young Girl of La Rochelle, study for Le Gué (The Ford)


Oil on canvas

40.6 x 33 cms | 15 3/4 x 12 3/4 ins

3 MPs
Woman with Iris

Woman with Iris


Oil on canvas

46 x 38 cms | 18 x 14 3/4 ins

Princeton University Art Museum Princeton | United States

less than 1 MP
Back from the Fields

Back from the Fields


Oil on canvas

128.2 x 71.1 cms | 50 1/4 x 27 3/4 ins

1 MPs



Oil on canvas

45.5 x 35.5 cms | 17 3/4 x 13 3/4 ins

3 MPs
The Flower Seller

The Flower Seller

c. 1899-1902

Oil on canvas

70.5 x 56.2 cms | 27 3/4 x 22 ins

3 MPs
The Wave

The Wave


Oil on canvas

82 x 175.9 cms | 32 1/4 x 69 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Beside the Seaside

Beside the Seaside


Oil on canvas

95.9 x 61.6 cms | 37 3/4 x 24 1/4 ins

Dahesh Museum New York | United States

3 MPs
A Dryad

A Dryad


Oil on canvas

163.8 x 114.3 cms | 64 1/4 x 45 ins

less than 1 MP



Oil on canvas

45.4 x 32 cms | 17 3/4 x 12 1/2 ins

Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens Jacksonville | United States

2 MPs
Girl with Grapes

Girl with Grapes


Oil on canvas

95.3 x 62.9 cms | 37 1/2 x 24 3/4 ins

3 MPs


small version

c. 1904

Oil on canvas

52.7 x 30.5 cms | 20 1/2 x 12 ins

Basilique Sainte-Clotilde Paris | France

1 MPs




Oil on canvas

95.3 x 58 cms | 37 1/2 x 22 3/4 ins

Manchester City Art Galleries Manchester | United Kingdom

less than 1 MP
Les Murmures de l'Amour

Les Murmures de l'Amour

Whispers of Love


Oil on canvas

203.2 x 138.4 cms | 80 x 54 1/4 ins

New Orleans Museum of Art New Orleans | United States

21 MPs

Chansons de printemps

Songs of Spring


Oil on canvas

148 x 99 cms | 58 1/4 x 38 3/4 ins

7 MPs
Little Girl

Little Girl


Oil on canvas

45.5 x 38 cms | 17 3/4 x 14 3/4 ins

National Museum of Western Art Taito | Japan

11 MPs

Monseigneur Léon-Benoît-Charles Thomas

Monsignor Léon-Benoît-Charles Thomas


Oil on canvas

221 x 124 cms | 87 x 48 3/4 ins

Musee d'Orsay Paris | France

less than 1 MP
L'Italienne à l'éventail

L'Italienne à l'éventail

Italian Girl with a Fan


66 x 56 cms | 25 3/4 x 22 ins

9 MPs
Daughter of a Fisherman

Daughter of a Fisherman


Oil on canvas

116 x 87.5 cms | 45 1/2 x 34 1/4 ins

Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Hachioji | Japan

49 MPs
Le bruit de la mer

Le bruit de la mer

The Sound of the Sea


3 MPs



Oil on canvas

3 MPs
Portrait d'une italienne en costume régional

Portrait d'une italienne en costume régional


Watercolor and graphite on paper

20.7 x 23 cms | 8 x 9 ins

less than 1 MP

Saint Pierre chez Marie

Saint Peter with Mary


Oil on canvas

25.8 x 32.5 cms | 10 x 12 3/4 ins

Musee d'Orsay Paris | France

less than 1 MP

Egalité devant la mort

Equality before Death


Musee d'Orsay Paris | France

1 MPs

Ora Pro Nobis

Oil on canvas

less than 1 MP

La couronne d’épines

The Crown of Thorns

Oil on canvas

3 MPs
Femme dénudée tenant son talon gauche, avec une reprise de la figure esquissée

Femme dénudée tenant son talon gauche, avec une reprise de la figure esquissée

Naked Woman Holding Her Left Heel, with a Resumption of the Sketched Figure

Graphite, heightened with white, on brown paper

less than 1 MP

Etude pour le plafond de la Chapelle de Vierge à la Rochelle

Study for the ceiling of the Chapel of the Virgin in La Rochelle

Oil on canvas

3 MPs
Girl with an Apple

Girl with an Apple


Oil on canvas

Dallas Museum of Fine Arts Dallas | United States

4 MPs



oil on canvas

90.8 x 55.9 cms | 35 3/4 x 22 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP


The Grape Picker


Oil on canvas

140 x 63 cms | 55 x 24 3/4 ins

Ny Carlberg Glyptotek København | Denmark

2 MPs

Baigneuse Accroupie

Seated Bather


Oil on canvas

116.5 x 89 cms | 45 3/4 x 35 ins

Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Williamstown | United States

3 MPs

Dante et Virgile au Enfers

Dante and Virgil in Hell


Oil on canvas

281 x 225 cms | 110 1/2 x 88 1/2 ins

Musee d'Orsay Paris | France

10 MPs

La Jeunesse de Bacchus

The Youth of Bacchus


Oil on canvas

331 x 610 cms | 130 1/4 x 240 ins

Private collection

4 MPs
Deux Soeurs

Deux Soeurs

Two Sisters


Oil on canvas

110.5 x 78.5 cms | 43 1/2 x 30 3/4 ins

Wriston Art Galleries, Lawrence University Appleton | United States

2 MPs
La Soif

La Soif



Oil on canvas

132 x 102 cms | 51 3/4 x 40 ins

Private collection

4 MPs
Le Livre de Prix

Le Livre de Prix

The Prize Book


Oil on canvas

115.6 x 56.2 cms | 45 1/2 x 22 ins

2 MPs


The Waiting


Oil on canvas

115.9 x 66.7 cms | 45 1/2 x 26 1/4 ins

6 MPs

Le Voile

The Veil


Oil on canvas

116.2 x 81.6 cms | 45 1/2 x 32 ins

11 MPs
Portrait d'Elize Brugière

Portrait d'Elize Brugière

Portrait of Elize Brugière


Oil on canvas

46 x 36 cms | 18 x 14 ins

2 MPs
Le Captif

Le Captif

The Prisoner


Oil on canvas

131 x 77.5 cms | 51 1/2 x 30 1/2 ins

Toledo Museum of Art Toledo | United States

3 MPs
L'Amour Vainqueur

L'Amour Vainqueur

Cupid Victorious


Oil on board

36.8 x 30.5 cms | 14 1/4 x 12 ins

York City Art Gallery York | United Kingdom

1 MPs
Récolte de noisettes

Récolte de noisettes

Harvest of Hazelnuts


Oil on canvas

161.6 x 113.7 cms | 63 1/2 x 44 3/4 ins

7 MPs
Le Petit Câlin

Le Petit Câlin

A Cuddle


Oil on canvas

115.9 x 81 cms | 45 1/2 x 31 3/4 ins

3 MPs
Fleurs de Printemps

Fleurs de Printemps

Spring Flowers


Oil on canvas

117.5 x 57.2 cms | 46 1/4 x 22 1/2 ins

2 MPs
La grande soeur

La grande soeur

The Big Sister


Oil on canvas

144.8 x 87.6 cms | 57 x 34 1/4 ins

6 MPs
La Jeune Fille Fellah

La Jeune Fille Fellah

Egyptian Peasant Girl


Oil on canvas

88.7 x 55.5 cms | 34 3/4 x 21 3/4 ins

Laing Art Gallery United Kingdom

less than 1 MP
Pendant la moisson

Pendant la moisson

Harvest Time


7 MPs
Madam Lanusse

Madam Lanusse


1 MPs
La leçon de flûte

La leçon de flûte

The Flute Lesson


Oil on canvas

46 x 35 cms | 18 x 13 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Le lever

Le lever

Raising Her Up


Oil on canvas

115.6 x 88 cms | 45 1/2 x 34 1/2 ins

8 MPs
Esquisse pour Sainte famille

Esquisse pour Sainte famille

Sketch for Holy Family

c. 1863

Oil on canvas

27.3 x 17.8 cms | 10 1/2 x 7 ins

6 MPs

Arion on a Sea Horse and Bacchante on a Panther (pair)


Oil on canvas

87.3 x 127 x 5.4 cms | 34 1/4 x 50 x 2 ins

Cleveland Museum of Art Cleveland | United States

9 MPs
Portait d'une femme (Maria) à Pompéi

Portait d'une femme (Maria) à Pompéi

Portrait of a Woman (Maria) in Pompeii


Graphite on paper

30.6 x 18.7 cms | 12 x 7 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Une dryade

Une dryade

A Dryad

Oil on canvas

163.8 x 114.3 cms | 64 1/4 x 45 ins

less than 1 MP


The Knitter

Oil on canvas

65.5 x 54.5 cms | 25 3/4 x 21 1/4 ins

3 MPs
The Virgin and Child

The Virgin and Child

Graphite heightened with white chalk; small sketch upper right in graphite

31.4 x 24.2 cms | 12 1/4 x 9 1/2 ins

Cleveland Museum of Art Cleveland | United States

9 MPs
Tête de fillette (tête avec mains)

Tête de fillette (tête avec mains)

Little Girl's Head (head with Hands)

Oil on canvas laid down on board

46.9 x 38.7 cms | 18 1/4 x 15 ins

less than 1 MP
Tendres Propos

Tendres Propos

Tender Suggestions

Oil on canvas

12 x 8 cms | 4 1/2 x 3 ins

less than 1 MP
Study of a Seated Woman

Study of a Seated Woman

Graphite, watercolour

27.1 x 21.5 cms | 10 1/2 x 8 1/4 ins

8 MPs
Study For L'Adoration des Mages

Study For L'Adoration des Mages

Pencil and white chalk on blue paper

32.5 x 25 cms | 12 3/4 x 9 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Saint Louis rapportant la Sainte Couronne à Paris

Saint Louis rapportant la Sainte Couronne à Paris

Saint Louis Bringing the Holy Crown Back to Paris

Graphite, watercolour

18 x 27.6 cms | 7 x 10 3/4 ins

6 MPs
Reclining Female Nude

Reclining Female Nude

Graphite, heightened with white

30.3 x 48.3 cms | 11 3/4 x 19 ins

Cleveland Museum of Art Cleveland | United States

8 MPs
Prêtresse de Bacchus

Prêtresse de Bacchus

Priestess of Bacchus

Oil on canvas

41 x 33 cms | 16 x 12 3/4 ins

2 MPs
Portrait of a Woman

Portrait of a Woman

Oil on canvas stamp back (oil on canvas stamp back)

less than 1 MP
Portrait de fillette au ruban bleu

Portrait de fillette au ruban bleu

Portrait of Little Girl with Blue Ribbon

Oil on canvas

41 x 33 cms | 16 x 12 3/4 ins

2 MPs
Portrait de femme les yeux tournés vers la gauche

Portrait de femme les yeux tournés vers la gauche

Portrait of a Woman with Her Eyes Turned to the Left

Oil on canvas

46 x 38 cms | 18 x 14 3/4 ins

2 MPs
Portrait de femme la tête renversée

Portrait de femme la tête renversée

Portrait of Woman with Her Head Thrown Back

Oil on canvas

46 x 38 cms | 18 x 14 3/4 ins

2 MPs
Portrait de femme à la tresse, les yeux mi-clos

Portrait de femme à la tresse, les yeux mi-clos

Portrait of Woman with Braid, Eyes Half Closed

Oil on canvas

41 x 33 cms | 16 x 12 3/4 ins

2 MPs
Petite fille à la tunique blanche

Petite fille à la tunique blanche

Little Girl in the White Tunic

Oil on canvas

41 x 33 cms | 16 x 12 3/4 ins

Credit: (

2 MPs
Paysage de la Côte d’Azur (Porquerolles)

Paysage de la Côte d’Azur (Porquerolles)

Landscape of the French Riviera (Porquerolles)

Oil on panel

11.8 x 21 cms | 4 1/2 x 8 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Mère et enfant à la robe rouge dans les bras

Mère et enfant à la robe rouge dans les bras

Mother and Child with Red Dress in Arms

Oil on canvas

36 x 27 cms | 14 x 10 1/2 ins

2 MPs


Oil on canvas

65.4 x 47.9 cms | 25 1/2 x 18 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Léda et le cygne

Léda et le cygne

Leda and the Swan

Watercolor on paper

20 x 15.5 cms | 7 3/4 x 6 ins

2 MPs
Le Sommeil

Le Sommeil

Oil on canvas

153.7 x 119.4 cms | 60 1/2 x 47 ins

3 MPs
Le Réveil (réduction)

Le Réveil (réduction)

The Awakening (reduction)

Oil on canvas

55.9 x 46 cms | 22 x 18 ins

3 MPs
Le Goûter aux Champs

Le Goûter aux Champs

The Taste of the Fields

Oil on canvas

93 x 66 cms | 36 1/2 x 25 3/4 ins

3 MPs
Le Goûter

Le Goûter

Afternoon Tea

Oil on canvas

88.5 x 55.8 cms | 34 3/4 x 21 3/4 ins

3 MPs
L'Adoration des Mages

L'Adoration des Mages

Adoration of the Magi

Pencil on paper

47 x 32.1 cms | 18 1/2 x 12 1/2 ins

3 MPs
La Tasse de Lait

La Tasse de Lait

The Cup of Milk

Oil on canvas

71.7 x 50.4 cms | 28 x 19 3/4 ins

3 MPs
La frileuse

La frileuse

The Chilly Girl

Oil on canvas

less than 1 MP
La Branche de Cerisier

La Branche de Cerisier

The Cherry Branch

Oil on canvas

160 x 109.9 cms | 62 3/4 x 43 1/4 ins

3 MPs
Jeunes Filles de Fouesnant Revenant du Marché

Jeunes Filles de Fouesnant Revenant du Marché

Young Girls of Fouesnant Returning from the Market

Oil on canvas

76.8 x 60.6 cms | 30 x 23 3/4 ins

3 MPs
Jeune femme tête penchée sur l'épaule

Jeune femme tête penchée sur l'épaule

Young Woman Head Bent over Shoulder

Oil on canvas

41 x 33 cms | 16 x 12 3/4 ins

2 MPs
Italien à la mandoline

Italien à la mandoline

Italian Boy with Mandolin

Oil on canvas

100.3 x 83.2 cms | 39 1/4 x 32 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP


The Chilly Girl

Oil on canvas

66 x 55.2 cms | 25 3/4 x 21 1/2 ins

3 MPs
Fillette et Enfant

Fillette et Enfant

Girl and Child

Pencil on paper

34 x 27.3 cms | 13 1/4 x 10 1/2 ins

3 MPs
Études d'orientaux

Études d'orientaux

Oriental Studies

Lead pencil and watercolor on paper

29 x 23 cms | 11 1/4 x 9 ins

2 MPs
Etude pour "Chanson de Printemps" ou "L'éveil du coeur"

Etude pour "Chanson de Printemps" ou "L'éveil du coeur"

Study for "Song of Spring" or "Awakening of the Heart"

25.4 x 18 cms | 10 x 7 ins

1 MPs
Étude de visage de femme et de mains

Étude de visage de femme et de mains

Study of a Woman's Hands and Face

oil on canvas

37.5 x 45 cms | 14 3/4 x 17 1/2 ins

less than 1 MP
Etude de femme académique

Etude de femme académique

Academic Study of a Woman

Graphite and white chalk (lead-zinc mine and white chalk)

34.5 x 25 cms | 13 1/2 x 9 3/4 ins

2 MPs
Enfant tenant des fleurs

Enfant tenant des fleurs

Child Holding Flowers

Oil on canvas

89 x 55.2 cms | 35 x 21 1/2 ins

less than 1 MP


Pencil and white chalk on tan wove paper

32.4 x 20.3 cms | 12 3/4 x 7 3/4 ins

3 MPs
Dante et Virgile aux enfers : les traitres

Dante et Virgile aux enfers : les traitres

Dante and Virgil in Hell: The Traitors

Oil on cardboard

28.5 x 23.5 cms | 11 x 9 1/4 ins

2 MPs
Bohémienne au Tambour de Basque (réduction)

Bohémienne au Tambour de Basque (réduction)

Gypsy Girl with Basque Drum (reduction)

Oil on panel

55.9 x 36.2 cms | 22 x 14 1/4 ins

2 MPs


Oil on canvas

22 x 36 cms | 8 1/2 x 14 ins

less than 1 MP
Au Bord de la Mer

Au Bord de la Mer

At the Seaside

Oil on canvas

1 MPs




Oil on canvas

215 x 107 cms | 84 1/2 x 42 ins

Birmingham Museum of Art Birmingham | United States

less than 1 MP

Les Deux Baigneuses

The Two Bathers


Oil on canvas

201 x 129 cms | 79 x 50 3/4 ins

Art Institute of Chicago Chicago | United States

6 MPs




Oil on canvas

100 x 52.5 cms | 39 1/4 x 20 1/2 ins

Private collection

2 MPs

Parure des Champs

The Jewel of the Fields


Oil on canvas

163 x 90 cms | 64 x 35 1/4 ins

Musee des Beaux-Arts Montréal | Canada

2 MPs
Petite Maraudeuse

Petite Maraudeuse

Little Thief


Oil on canvas

124 x 70 cms | 48 3/4 x 27 1/2 ins

Private collection

3 MPs
Branche de Laurier

Branche de Laurier

Laurel Branch


Oil on canvas

115.5 x 70 cms | 45 1/4 x 27 1/2 ins

Private collection

2 MPs
En Penitence

En Penitence

In Penitence


Oil on canvas

131 x 77.5 cms | 51 1/2 x 30 1/2 ins

Private collection

2 MPs
Idylle Enfantine

Idylle Enfantine

A Childhood Idyll


Oil on canvas

102 x 130 cms | 40 x 51 ins

Denver Art Museum Denver | United States

5 MPs
Jeune Ouvriere

Jeune Ouvriere

Young Worker


Oil on canvas

129 x 96.5 cms | 50 3/4 x 37 3/4 ins

Private collection

3 MPs
La Vierge au Lys

La Vierge au Lys

The Virgin of the Lilies


Oil on canvas

Private collection

2 MPs


The Assault


Oil on canvas

153 x 105 cms | 60 x 41 1/4 ins

Musee d'Orsay Paris | France

4 MPs
L'Etoile Perdue

L'Etoile Perdue

The Lost Pleiad


Oil on canvas

195.5 x 95 cms | 76 3/4 x 37 1/4 ins

Private collection

4 MPs


The Harvester


Oil on canvas

106.5 x 85 cms | 41 3/4 x 33 1/4 ins

Private collection

3 MPs
Psyche et L'Amour

Psyche et L'Amour

Psyche and Cupid


Oil on canvas

200 x 116 cms | 78 1/2 x 45 1/2 ins

Hobart Art Gallery Hobart | Australia

less than 1 MP




Oil on canvas

112 x 71 cms | 44 x 27 3/4 ins

Private collection

3 MPs
La Brise du Printemps

La Brise du Printemps

Spring Breeze


Oil on canvas

98.5 x 65.5 cms | 38 3/4 x 25 3/4 ins

Private collection

11 MPs
L'Amour s'envole

L'Amour s'envole

Love Flies Away


Oil on canvas

170 x 112 cms | 66 3/4 x 44 ins

Frye Art Museum Seattle | United States

2 MPs
Le Lever

Le Lever

Up You Go


Oil on canvas

145.5 x 106 cms | 57 1/4 x 41 1/2 ins

Metropolitan Museum of Art Manhattan | United States

5 MPs



Oil on canvas

100 x 70.5 cms | 39 1/4 x 27 3/4 ins

Private collection

2 MPs




Oil on canvas

91.5 x 56 cms | 36 x 22 ins

4 MPs
Petite Bergere

Petite Bergere

Little Shepherdess


Oil on canvas

155.5 x 86.5 cms | 61 x 34 ins

Private collection

1 MPs
Portrait de Mademoiselle Elizabeth Gardner

Portrait de Mademoiselle Elizabeth Gardner

Portrait of Miss Elizabeth Gardner


Oil on canvas

46 x 38.5 cms | 18 x 15 ins

Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross United States

4 MPs




Oil on canvas

116 x 79 cms | 45 1/2 x 31 ins

Mabee Gerrer Museum Shawnee | United States

less than 1 MP
Après le Bain

Après le Bain

After the Bath


Oil on canvas

181 x 90.5 cms | 71 1/4 x 35 1/2 ins

Private collection

3 MPs




Oil on canvas

190.5 x 95 cms | 75 x 37 1/4 ins

Gala-Salvador Dali Figueres | Spain

3 MPs
Flore et Zephyre

Flore et Zephyre

Flora and Zephyr


Oil on canvas

cms | ins

Musee des Beaux-Arts Mulhouse | France

3 MPs




Oil on canvas

189 x 123 cms | 74 1/4 x 48 1/4 ins

Private collection

3 MPs
La Charité

La Charité



Oil on canvas

116.5 x 90 cms | 45 3/4 x 35 1/4 ins

The University of Michigan Museum of Art Ann Arbor | United States

less than 1 MP

La grappe de raisin (première réduction)

The Bunch of Grapes (first reduction)


Oil on canvas

146 x 114 cms | 57 1/4 x 44 3/4 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP
Madame la Comtesse de Cambaceres

Madame la Comtesse de Cambaceres

Madam the Countess of Cambaceres


Oil on canvas

121 x 90 cms | 47 1/2 x 35 1/4 ins

The Seattle Art Museum Seattle | United States

2 MPs




Oil on canvas

160.5 x 72.5 cms | 63 x 28 1/2 ins

Private collection

2 MPs
Portrait de Mlle Brissac

Portrait de Mlle Brissac

Portrait of Miss Brissac


Oil on canvas

91 x 71 cms | 35 3/4 x 27 3/4 ins

Private collection

4 MPs
Le Crepuscule

Le Crepuscule



Oil on canvas

127 x 66 cms | 50 x 25 3/4 ins

Havana Museum of Fine Arts Havana | Cuba

1 MPs

Lady Maxwell


Oil on canvas

129.2 x 89.2 cms | 50 3/4 x 35 ins

Private collection

2 MPs


The Bohemian


Oil on canvas

149.9 x 106.7 cms | 59 x 42 ins

Private collection

5 MPs

La danse

The Dance


Oil on canvas

367 x 180 cms | 144 1/4 x 70 3/4 ins

Musee d'Orsay Paris | France

4 MPs


The Knitter


Oil on canvas

145 x 99 cms | 57 x 38 3/4 ins

Joslyn Art Museum Omaha | United States

less than 1 MP
Après le Bain

Après le Bain

Apres le Bain- After the Bath


Oil on canvas

155 x 86.5 cms | 61 x 34 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP




Oil on canvas

114 x 163 cms | 44 3/4 x 64 ins

Private collection

2 MPs
The Little Beggar

The Little Beggar

Oil on canvas

Public collection

less than 1 MP
Petite boudeuse

Petite boudeuse

The Little Sulk


Oil on canvas

104.7 x 78.7 cms | 41 x 30 3/4 ins

Private collection

2 MPs
Le secret

Le secret

The Secret

c. 1876

Oil on canvas

130 x 85 cms | 51 x 33 1/4 ins

Collection of the New York Historical Society New York | United States

5 MPs
Les joies d'une mère (jeune fille chatouillant un enfant )

Les joies d'une mère (jeune fille chatouillant un enfant )

The Joys of Motherhood (Girl Tickling a Child)


Oil on canvas

135.9 x 100.3 cms | 53 1/2 x 39 1/4 ins

Private collection

1 MPs
L'Amour A L'Epine

L'Amour A L'Epine


Oil on canvas

125.7 x 80 cms | 49 1/4 x 31 1/4 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP
Portrait of Madame Olry­Roederer

Portrait of Madame Olry­Roederer


Oil on canvas

193 x 108 cms | 75 3/4 x 42 1/2 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP




Oil on canvas

116.8 x 65.4 cms | 45 3/4 x 25 1/2 ins

Private collection

2 MPs

L'Agneau Nouveau-né

The Newborn Lamb


Oil on canvas

165.1 x 87.6 cms | 65 x 34 1/4 ins

13 MPs
Au Bord du Ruisseau

Au Bord du Ruisseau

At the Edge of the Brook


Oil on canvas

Private collection

2 MPs
La Charité Romaine

La Charité Romaine

Roman Charity

Oil on canvas

Private collection

3 MPs
La Comtesse de Montholon

La Comtesse de Montholon

The Countess de Montholon

Oil on canvas

Private collection

3 MPs

Sketch of a Young Woman

Oil on canvas

38.1 x 45.7 cms | 15 x 18 ins

Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross United States

2 MPs
Study for Vierge aux anges

Study for Vierge aux anges

Study for Virgin with Angels

Oil on canvas

Private collection

3 MPs
Autoportrait presenté à M. Sage

Autoportrait presenté à M. Sage

Self-portrait presented to M. Sage


Oil on canvas

Private collection

3 MPs



Oil on canvas

46 x 38.1 cms | 18 x 15 ins

Private collection

5 MPs
Portrait of a young girl

Portrait of a young girl


Oil on canvas

46.4 x 38.1 cms | 18 1/4 x 15 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP

Portrait de Jeune Fille

Portrait of a Young Girl


Oil on canvas

41.3 x 32.4 cms | 16 1/4 x 12 3/4 ins

3 MPs
Étude de Tête de Femme Blonde de Face

Étude de Tête de Femme Blonde de Face

Study of the Head of a Blonde Woman


Oil on canvas

Public collection

Credit: Brian Yoder's GoodArt Gallery

less than 1 MP
Far Niente

Far Niente


Oil on canvas laid down on mas

120.7 x 76.2 cms | 47 1/2 x 30 ins

Private collection

6 MPs
Portrait of a Man

Portrait of a Man


Oil on Canvas

48 x 38 cms | 18 3/4 x 14 3/4 ins

Private collection

3 MPs



Oil on canvas

64 x 54 cms | 25 x 21 1/4 ins

Museo de Arte Ponce | Puerto Rico

6 MPs
Portrait of Genevieve Celine, eldest daughter of Adolphe Bouguereau

Portrait of Genevieve Celine, eldest daughter of Adolphe Bouguereau

Oil on canvas

33.3 x 25 cms | 13 x 9 3/4 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP
Les Enfants Endormis

Les Enfants Endormis

Oil on canvas

less than 1 MP
Étude de Tête de Femme Blonde Profil

Étude de Tête de Femme Blonde Profil

Study of a Blonde Woman's Profile

Oil on canvas

Public collection

Credit: Brian Yoder's GoodArt Gallery

less than 1 MP
Étude d'une femme, pour Offrande à l'Amour

Étude d'une femme, pour Offrande à l'Amour

Study of a woman, for Offering to Love

Oil on canvas

Private collection

7 MPs
Drawing of a Woman

Drawing of a Woman


Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross United States

less than 1 MP



Pencil on paper

Private collection

2 MPs



Pencil on paper

Private collection

2 MPs
Sketch for Night

Sketch for Night

Pencil on paper

Private collection

less than 1 MP

Study of a Seated Veiled Female Figure


Graphite and white chalk on blue paper

32.4 x 25.1 cms | 12 3/4 x 9 3/4 ins

Minneapolis Institute of Arts Minneapolis | United States

Credit: John Lovelady

13 MPs
Love's Resistance

Love's Resistance



Public collection

Credit: John Lovelady

5 MPs
Notre­Dame des Anges

Notre­Dame des Anges

Our Lady of the Angels


Oil on canvas

Private collection

11 MPs

Pop il s'Enfuit a Tire D'ailes

He Flees with His Wings Drawn

Pencil on paper

43.8 x 36.2 cms | 17 x 14 1/4 ins

3 MPs
Study for a Young Boy with Pole

Study for a Young Boy with Pole

Pencil on paper

11 MPs
Study for Apollo

Study for Apollo

Pencil on paper

9 MPs
Study for 'Blessures D'Amore'

Study for 'Blessures D'Amore'

Study for 'The Wounds of Love'

Pencil on paper

less than 1 MP
Study for Hercules

Study for Hercules

Pencil on paper

11 MPs
Study for 'Le Voeu'

Study for 'Le Voeu'

Study for 'The Vow'

Pencil on paper

less than 1 MP

Study of a Seated Man for L'été

Pencil heightened with white on paper

47 x 29.8 cms | 18 1/2 x 11 1/2 ins

11 MPs
Study for figure from 'Admiration'

Study for figure from 'Admiration'


Charcoal on paper

2 MPs
Two Sleeping Children

Two Sleeping Children

Black chalk, heightened with white chalk

15.1 x 22.2 cms | 5 3/4 x 8 1/2 ins

Metropolitan Museum of Art Manhattan | United States

9 MPs


The Gleaner


3 MPs
Man Holding a Jug

Man Holding a Jug

Pencil on paper

10 MPs

Tricoteuse Bretonne

Breton Knitter


Oil on Canvas

61.6 x 50.8 cms | 24 1/4 x 20 ins

3 MPs
Jeune femme contemplant deux enfants qui s'embrassent

Jeune femme contemplant deux enfants qui s'embrassent

Young woman contemplating two embracing children


Oil on canvas

83.8 x 102.9 cms | 32 3/4 x 40 1/2 ins

Private collection

9 MPs
Les Remords d’Oreste

Les Remords d’Oreste

The Remorse of Orestes


Oil on canvas

227 x 278 cms | 89 1/4 x 109 1/4 ins

Chrysler Museum of Art Norfolk | United States

less than 1 MP
Une âme au ciel

Une âme au ciel

A Soul in Heaven


Oil on canvas

180 x 275 cms | 70 3/4 x 108 1/4 ins

Perigord Museum Périgueux

less than 1 MP



Oil on canvas

99.1 x 132.1 cms | 39 x 52 ins

Minneapolis Institute of Arts Minneapolis | United States

21 MPs



Oil on canvas

48 x 79 cms | 18 3/4 x 31 ins

Salar Jung Museum Hyderabad

9 MPs
Premier Deuil

Premier Deuil

The First Mourning


Oil on canvas

203 x 252 cms | 79 3/4 x 99 ins

Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes Argentina

2 MPs