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Gustave Achille Guillaumet

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Gustave Achille Guillaumet

39 artworks

French painter and writer

Born 1840 - Died 1887

  • Artworks
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  • Timeline
  • Images of the Artist
Arab plowing with dromedaries in an evening landscape

Arab plowing with dromedaries in an evening landscape


Oil on canvas

138 x 80.5 cms | 54 1/4 x 31 1/2 ins

14 MPs
Arabes Au Repos

Arabes Au Repos

Arabs Resting

Oil on canvas

21.3 x 30.7 cms | 8 1/4 x 12 ins

less than 1 MP
Chaumière en bord de mer

Chaumière en bord de mer

Thatched cottage by the sea

Oil on panel

9.4 x 13.8 cms | 3 1/2 x 5 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Danse dans le harem

Danse dans le harem

Dance in the Harem

Oil on canvas

28.7 x 20.9 cms | 11 1/4 x 8 ins

less than 1 MP
Église dans un paysage

Église dans un paysage

Church in a Landscape

Oil on panel

9.4 x 13.8 cms | 3 1/2 x 5 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Étude d'un cheval

Étude d'un cheval

Study of a Horse

Oil on paper

12.2 x 6.7 cms | 4 3/4 x 2 1/2 ins

less than 1 MP
Femme au bord d'un étang

Femme au bord d'un étang

Woman at the edge of a pond

Oil on panel

9.4 x 13.8 cms | 3 1/2 x 5 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Figure in a landscape

Figure in a landscape

Oil on canvas

18.1 x 15 cms | 7 x 5 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Intérieur à Biskra

Intérieur à Biskra

Interior in Biskra

Oil on canvas

17.3 x 13.8 cms | 6 3/4 x 5 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Jeune fille arabe

Jeune fille arabe

Arab Girl

Oil on canvas

18.9 x 15.6 cms | 7 1/4 x 6 ins

less than 1 MP
Jeune juive marocaine

Jeune juive marocaine

Young Moroccan Jew

Oil on canvas

15.4 x 11.8 cms | 6 x 4 1/2 ins

less than 1 MP
Jeune Orientale assise

Jeune Orientale assise

Young Seated Oriental

Oil on canvas

9.8 x 7.5 cms | 3 3/4 x 2 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Laghouat, village d'Afrique du Nord

Laghouat, village d'Afrique du Nord

Laghouat, Village of North Africa

Oil on canvas

11.8 x 18.1 cms | 4 1/2 x 7 ins

less than 1 MP
Les Femmes Du Douar à La Rivière

Les Femmes Du Douar à La Rivière

Women From Douar To The River

Oil on canvas

31.9 x 45.7 cms | 12 1/2 x 17 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP
L'examen du harnais

L'examen du harnais

Examination of the Harness

Oil on canvas

20.3 x 10.4 cms | 7 3/4 x 4 ins

less than 1 MP
Motiv aus Laghout in der Sahara, Algerien

Motiv aus Laghout in der Sahara, Algerien

Motif from Laghout in the Sahara, Algeria

Oil on canvas

42.7 x 37.8 cms | 16 3/4 x 14 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Muletier devant un village

Muletier devant un village

Mule Track in Front of a Village

Pierre noire and gouache

11.8 x 18.9 cms | 4 1/2 x 7 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Paysage à la chaumière

Paysage à la chaumière

Cottage Landscape

9.4 x 13.8 cms | 3 1/2 x 5 1/4 ins

less than 1 MP
Paysage d'Afrique du Nord au soleil couchant

Paysage d'Afrique du Nord au soleil couchant

North African landscape at sunset

Oil on canvas

10 x 14 cms | 3 3/4 x 5 1/2 ins

less than 1 MP
Rue animée

Rue animée

Busy Street

Oil on canvas

11.8 x 15 cms | 4 1/2 x 5 3/4 ins

less than 1 MP