Gloucester Shire Hall
Westgate St
Gloucester, England, GBR
- Artworks
- Nearby Museums
Major Sir Frederick William Beresford Cripps (1873–1961), DSO, DL, Chairman of Gloucestershire County Council (1931–1946)
Oswald Hornby Joseph Birley
Oil on canvas
122 x 76 cms | 48 x 29 3/4 ins
less than 1 MP
Sir Francis Adams Hyett (1844–1941), Kt, Chairman of Gloucestershire County Council (1918–1920)
Hugh Goldwin Riviere
Oil on canvas
114.5 x 89 cms | 45 x 35 ins
less than 1 MP
The Right Honourable Sir John Edward Dorington (1832–1911), Bt, Chairman of Gloucestershire County Council (1889–1908)
Hugh Goldwin Riviere
Oil on canvas
119.5 x 94 cms | 47 x 37 ins
less than 1 MP
John Skipworth Gibbons
William Clarke Wontner
Oil on canvas
163.5 x 109 cms | 64 1/4 x 42 3/4 ins
less than 1 MP