The European Museum of Modern Art
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The European Museum of Modern Art - MEAM exhibits some of the finest contemporary figurative art. It is owned by The Foundation of Arts and Artists and the purpose is to promote and diffuse figurative art of the 20th and 21st centuries. The Foundation's claim is to find a new contemporary language without denying tradition by progressing into the new century. Moreover, the Foundation of Arts and Artists, organizes each year the Figurativas Painting and Sculpture Awards, and with the website Figurativas en Red ( opens a window with the artworks of the contemporary figurative artists.
The MEAM is currently located at the Gomis Palace, in the middle of the streets of the Born in Barcelona, a neighborhood where culture is always present and reflects the charm of the old part of the city, an area that knew how to mix tradition and modernity, becoming a requiered visit for the tourists interested in the Monumental Barcelona.
The MEAM is different from other contemporary art museums because it houses living artists who created figurative art. These artworks are hardly seen in other museums, to whom the word contemporary is identified by experiment and abstraction.