Artist information:
Rusty S Frentner
3863 Bemis rd
Ypsilanti MI 48197
734 649 3920
Evening is best time to contact me
Facebook: Rusty Frentner
Web site: keeping it wild
Rusty was born in Michigan and lives just south of Ann Arbor. He grew up surrounded by woods and farmland. These early years inspired his childhood with nature, animals and birds.
Rusty started drawing as soon as he could hold a pencil and he drew what he came to love, the flora and fauna that surrounded him. He was encouraged to use his talent with birthday and Christmas gifts of art supplies. In school he received numerous awards for his art. Rusty continued his education with art classes in colleges. He has also attended numerous workshops and taught workshops by invitation.
Other honors include having his artwork featured on the Michigan Duck Stamp, winning an international remarque contest sponsored by a magazine; 1st, 2nd, people’s choice awards in the Farmington spring art show; an award at the Susan K Black Foundation artwork shop; and an award at the Art and Nature Show at a gallery in St. Augustine Florida. Rusty is represented by Art Licensing, a publishing company from Vermont.
Rusty’s paintings include paintings of wildlife, nature settings from around the area, as well as paintings form national parks. Rusty’s paintings are studio work as well as plein air. Most of the work is done in acrylics or oils.
Rusty is inspired by unusual settings, trying to capture interesting designs. Sometimes it is a striking play of light, or capturing wildlife in captivating gesture. Rusty favorite saying is “Keeping It Wild!!!!”
Artist information:
Rusty S Frentner
3863 Bemis rd
Ypsilanti MI 48197
734 649 3920
Evening is best time to contact me
Facebook: Rusty Frentner
Web site: keeping it wild
Rusty was born in Michigan and lives just south of Ann Arbor. He grew up surrounded by woods and farmland. These early years inspired his childhood with nature, animals and birds.
Rusty started drawing as soon as he could hold a pencil and he drew what he came to love, the flora and fauna that surrounded him. He was encouraged to use his talent with birthday and Christmas gifts of art supplies. In school he received numerous awards for his art. Rusty continued his education with art classes in colleges. He has also attended numerous workshops and taught workshops by invitation.
Other honors include having his artwork featured on the Michigan Duck Stamp, winning an international remarque contest sponsored by a magazine; 1st, 2nd, people’s choice awards in the Farmington spring art show; an award at the Susan K Black Foundation artwork shop; and an award at the Art and Nature Show at a gallery in St. Augustine Florida. Rusty is represented by Art Licensing, a publishing company from Vermont.
Rusty’s paintings include paintings of wildlife, nature settings from around the area, as well as paintings form national parks. Rusty’s paintings are studio work as well as plein air. Most of the work is done in acrylics or oils.
Rusty is inspired by unusual settings, trying to capture interesting designs. Sometimes it is a striking play of light, or capturing wildlife in captivating gesture. Rusty favorite saying is “Keeping It Wild!!!!”
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.