About Johanne Mangi
I’ve been drawing all my life. Painting came later, but drawing was the foundation. Dogs have always been an important part of my life. Richard Schmid famously said, “Paint what you love, love what you paint”. I took that to heart and decided that I wouldn’t just dabble in my chosen subject. I’d elevate it to Fine Art.
I was taught to paint from life and so I am known for the presence of live dogs at my workshops. They are there for inspiration and valuable information. I always try to create a fresh and lively portrait. Frequently I use my own pack of dogs to help me interpret what I’m seeing when painting from photographs.
I captured the process in the DVD “The Fine Art of Painting Dog Portraits” published by Streamline Publishing. It is a best seller, and I am scheduled to produce another DVD later this year.
I have been fortunate to be part of well known painting groups including The Putney Painters founded by Richard Schmid, who is considered an icon in Representational Art. This group has produced some of the best known Representational artists today. Painting with Richard and the group raised my expectations and certainly my abilities. Over the years he generously shared what he knew and encouraged us to pass on our knowledge.
Following in those footsteps I’ve established a Painting Group of like minded working artists. We meet regularly in my Third Floor Studio in a well orchestrated environment conducive to painting, sharing experiences and encouragement.
Living Masters, Sherrie McGraw and David Leffel continuously challenge me. They believed in my abilities from the beginning and are a constant source of advice and instruction. They are exceptional teachers who never let me rest on my laurels. Sherrie steadily raises the bar, and I am grateful for it.
My work has garnered accolades and is collected internationally. Recognition is important but my focus is always on the work. This profession is not for the feint of heart!
I teach throughout the U.S., currently including Village Arts of Putney, Scottsdale Artist School/Arizona, Whidbey Island Fine Art Studio/Washington, Madeline Island School of Art/ Wisconsin and Creative Arts Center in Cape Cod/Massachusetts. I am planning future workshops in England and Holland. I love teaching but it’s always a challenge to control my schedule. It’s imperative to leave time for painting and experimentation.
I am a juried member of the following: Salmagundi Club NYC, Oil Painters of America, American Impressionists Society, Inc as well as the Portrait Society of America.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.