Ximena Rendon

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Ximena Rendon

United States

XImena Rendón is a Mexican artist based in the Bay Area. In 2007 she moved from Mexico City to San Francisco to attend the Fine Arts program at the Academey of Art University. In 2011 she obtained her BFA in Painting and in 2015 she earned her MFA. Rendón's paintings are realistic renditions explorint themes of mortality and the subconscious. 

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

Ximena Rendon

All the Beautiful Things


Oil on aluminum panel

109.22 x 68.58 x [*] cm | 43 x 27 in

Exhibiting at the MEAM

Exhibiting at Salmagundi

This work is available for purchase, for inquiries please write to kara.ross@artrenewal.org

This work is in the Collection of the Art Renewal Center.

This work is on loan from a private collection.