Adriano Fida

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Adriano Fida


Adriano Fida was born in Reggio Calabria on 1978. He lives and works in Rome.

Trained at Accademia delle Belle Arti in Reggio Calabria – in which he gained his personal artistic research born through the study of the greatest masters of the past -, Fida improved his style in Torino with the fresco tecnique, with the master Silvano Gilardi (Abacuc) and, after several detailed studies on the matter, he has been judged and chosen for the creation of the new fresco inside the MACAM in Maglione (TO).

In artist's paintings we can find the deep love for his native land and his culture of Hellenistic derivation (Magna Grecia), putting at the center of the creative process the man and his history in symbiosis with nature and divine.

From still life, allegory of earth mother and of man tied to fruit life cycle, to portrait, in which the author tells the story of Twentieth Century icons revisited in a modern key; until the myth, whose reinterpretation is based on raising the common man, represented on paintings with divine image. The illustrated themes, in which Fida's production is articulated, show more than one common denominator, both from an allegorical and technical point of view. Here the artist, with an enviable cultural knowledge based also on the art of fresco, practices his academic studies which have deep roots in Flemish and Caravaggio's painting,  until modern art. Though coming from a classical basis, he doesn't detach from modern painting, in which he arrives thanks to the deep connection to matter, throughout he includes, from an iconographical point of view, anatomies of nature.

The Myth

In Adriano Fida's Myth there is return to beginnings, to earth mother, to greek world, to classical theme. Of fresh trial, the pictorial cycle returns to portrait, inside a context in which references to mythology and daydream are very strong. Fida deifies the common man, lifting him up to God. He doesn't portray mythological figures from common imaginary, but he draws fully from human daily life.  Coming from a  technique derivated by Flemings and Caravaggio, which meticulously affects every stage of painting treatment, Fida doesn't detach from modern painting,  he actually comes to it through the matter (as bitumen of Judea), which he keeps a deep connection with. With the matter the painter includes subjects on painting, erupting in the iconography of Byzantine derivation.


He exhibited at Galleria l'Agostiniana in Piazza del Popolo and at MACRO in Rome; at Castello Maschio Angioino in Napoli; at Palazzo Medici Riccardi in Firenze, at Affordable Art Fair in Milano. From June to October 2015 he was selected by Vittorio Sgarbi for the exhibition Expo Arte Italiana as part of Expo Milano 2015 and won the first prize in painting. In 2016 he exhibited at Flangini Palace in Venice with the solo exhibition "Mythomorphosis"

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

Adriano Fida

Estasi di Santa Teresa D’Avila


Oil on canvas

90 x 120 cm | 35 1/4 x 47 in

Exhibiting at the MEAM

Exhibiting at Salmagundi

This work is available for purchase, for inquiries please write to

This work is in the Collection of the Art Renewal Center.

This work is on loan from a private collection.