Roberta Maola

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Roberta Maola


Student of Mario Di Girolamo, aka Gimar, Lindo Fiore and Rita Mele, Roberta Maola trained at the "A. Valente” Institute of Art in Sora (FR), and she subsequently started to expand her interest to psychology After graduating, she worked for some non-profit organizations dealing, among other things, with graphics (2010 national campaign for the Month of Psychological Well-Being by the Italian Society of Professional Psychologists). In 2013, she decided to fully dedicate herself to art, with special focus on the hyper realistic design, an expressive technique which best suits her artistic research. Roberta’s work is a reflection on art and psychology as idiosyncratic languages, two opposite perspectives for a single exploratory process of the same kind: processes of thought, prejudice, and expectations. She took part in many solo and collective exhibitions, collaborating with many important artists. Her artworks have been published in catalogues, magazines, newspapers, and book covers, attracting the attention of many critics and artists. Among them: Lelio Bizzarri, Annarita Borrelli, Giulia Del Papa, Roberto Gramiccia, Beatriz Leal Riesco, Sarah Palermo and Raffaella Rinaldi.

Solo Exhibitions:

2019, Sola lì rimase speranza” artistic project by R. Maola, text by B. Leal Riesco, MACRO – Museum of Contemporary Art – Rome, 2016, "Nessuno sogna di ciò che non lo riguarda” (catalogue by A. Ungheri, essays by S. Palermo, A. Ungheri, under the patronage of the First Municipality of Rome), Gallery “Polmone Pulsante”, Rome; 2015, "Cinquantatre anni sette mesi e undici giorni, notti comprese” (curated by G. Del Papa, catalogue texts by R. Rinaldi, under the patronage of the Municipality of Casalvieri), Casalvieri (FR); "Dissonanze" (curated by M. Rubini, texts by B. Leal Riesco), Abc Art Gallery, Rome.

Collective Exhibitions and Artistic Projects:

2019, "Rete di ricordi – Progetto per la memoria del museo Tucci” (organized and curated by R. Melasecca for “Interno 14 next”, S. Stucky, M. Marinaccio), Macro - Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome; "Arts in Rome 2019 Prize” (organized and curated by Artists Rome - finalist of the drawing category), Margutta Home, Rome; 2018, "Una festa dell’arte. Opera come progetto” (curated by H. Nassisi), Casa della Cultura, Caprarola; "Pesanti come coriandoli" (curated by R. Gramiccia), Castello dei Conti de Ceccano (Fr); "Empatia" (curated by M. L. Perilli), Triphè Gallery, Rome; "Umanità Dispersa" (curated by R. Gramiccia), Menna-Binga Archive, Rome; "Arte da Macello" (organized and edited by, with essays by A. Borrelli), permanent installation at MAAM - Museo dell'Altro e dell'Altrove Metropoliz Città Metticcia, Rome; "Dimensione fragile" (edited by P. Paesano, J. Pignatelli), Biblioteca Vallicelliana, Rome; 2017, "Natura Bianca" (edited by D. Perego, V. Biasi), Interno 14, Rome; 2016, "... il tentativo di una via, l’accenno di un sentiero” at Mario Mieli Center for Homosexual Culture, Rome; 2015, "Luce, degrado e speranze delle nostre città e della nostra società moderna” (edited by T. Masoero), Berio Civic Library, Genoa; 2014, "Contestualmente" (curated by G. Morabito), Contemporary Art Monogram Gallery, Rome; "Espressioni”, traveling exhibit in La Spezia, Taranto, Benevento, Naples; 2013, "Comunicazione urgente" (organized by Arte PerOGGI), Complesso del Quirinale, Rome.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

Roberta Maola

Take-Away Art


Pencil on paper

46 x 40 cm | 18 x 15 1/2 in

Exhibiting at the MEAM

Exhibiting at Salmagundi

This work is available for purchase, for inquiries please write to

This work is in the Collection of the Art Renewal Center.

This work is on loan from a private collection.