David Lihard

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David Lihard


David Lihard

He's a self taught painter from France.

His work has been expose in Europe and can also be seen in permanente collection of some Museum (Meam barcelona).


"Child, we make all the apprenticeship of our temporality. The world of "for ever" disappears and the questioning eat away at us.

And then, inevitably, we forget.

I m ' try hard in my work to return to the springs of this revelation and the original fears which it engenders. My initiative is a formal translation of these deep questionings and the habits paradigmatiques of the childhood games(sets), love, enjoyment, sexuality, fear, violence, death

In my series of oils on canvas appear of contemplative or busy young people, intriguing and fragile polysemous presences. They often get loose on a dark floor, a sky extends in the background and forms a counterpoint colored on this sooty ground. This simple and contrasted spatial structure infers by its inmost duality of the other related themes: paradise hell, light darkness, birth and burying.....

The landscapes are cases which reveal bodies. They work as stage sets or coexist: air shafts, explosions, holes, puddles, neglected houses...

So many " elementary obsessional signs " which can become symbols of life and death in these areas bathed by silences.

So, by the prismatic vision of the childhood, explains itself in the whole of my work the image of a humanity on borrowed time. But here, no sterile nostalgia, of unambiguous reading. I impose nothing, I propose a point of departure for a reflection liberator of our amnesia. Not to forget the destination, for can be better to take advantage of the journey.

Memento mori, memento vivere.... "


* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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