Natalie Holland is an Norwegian realist artist best known for her portraiture and vivid depiction of the female figure.She applies her technical skill and storytelling ability to bring forth en extraordinary dimension in ordinary situations and encounters with people.
Her paintings open up a personal dialogue with the viewer with whom she aims to establish a unique, emotional connection. She received her education in St.Petersburg Academy of Arts, started her career as artist in Norway and, after attending the studio of Odd Nerdrum in Oslo, proceeded to exhibit internationally, with gallery shows in Norway, Italy, USA, UK and Spain.
Currently, she works in London. Here, she exhibited at BP Portrait Award and several times with the Royal Society of Portrait Painters, Royal Institute of Oil Painters and The Society of Women Artists. Her work can be seen in the permanent collection of Museum of Modern Art (MEAM) in Barcelona. This year, she won first prize and first place in ModPortrait, the international contest of figurative painting dedicated exclusively to portraiture in Barcelona, Spain.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.