Liz Harris

Home / Salons / 15th ARC Salon

Liz Harris

United States


Primarily a self taught painter, I first encountered the exceptional power of art to enlighten, challenge, and touch the soul during visits in my youth to the Museum of Fine Arts Houston and The Art Institute of Chicago with my father.   At Brigham Young University (BYU) I took various art classes while earning a Bachelor's degree in Educational Psychology.  

Over the years my husband and I were blessed with 4 children and a few moves with my husband’s job. These provided the opportunity to study and learn from the masters whose work hangs in many museums throughout the world including the Louvre, the Prado, The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The National Galleries in London.  Our little children filled my life with varied experiences and beauty. All through it, I enjoyed being a mom and, I worked hard to develop myself as a painter.  Realizing the need for more instruction I have studied in apprenticeship with Casey Childs.  


I enjoy working in representational figurative art as a way to share a glimpse of the beauty and joy to be found in life, no matter the situation. Happiness and triumph, sadness and pain all have a unique roll in the eloquence that is each person's life.


Recently, my work has been in:


Oil Painters of America Western Regional Show 2020

Oil Painters of America Salon Show 2020

International Portrait Society Competition 2020 Award of Excellence

Salmagundi Club Figuratively Speaking Show Non-Members 2020 

Springville Museum of Art Spring Salon 2019 

Art Renewal Center/ARC Competition Finalist 2019

International Portrait Society Competition 2019 Award of Excellence

Springville Museum of Art Spiritual and Religious show 2018

Honorable Mention Award


* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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