Wendy Donahoe

Home / Salons / 15th ARC Salon

Wendy Donahoe

United States

        As a realist artist my intention is not to create art only to record a likeness, replicate

a scene, or render exactly a grouping of objects.  In pursuit of capturing that mysterious

element in my drawings, I seek a more contemporary realism that might engage the viewer

to find and create their own narrative.  Recollections of family and friends, love, longing,

loss, the glimpsed still life moments in time ... memory, all serve as inspiration for my work.

       Drawing has been a lifelong passion and remains my primary mode of artistic expression.

I work in graphite, charcoal and colored pencil, on paper, opaque drafting film, as well as other

supports such as finely sanded black gessoed boards.  Subtle gradations transition from

white highlights to deep shadows for a seamless resolution of blended tones defines my 

signature style.

       I earned a bachelor of fine arts degree in 1978 from the University of Delaware under such

realist artists as Steve Tanis and Charles Rowe.  I went on to receive graduate level instruction

at George Washington University from renowned artists Scip Barnhart and William Woodward. 

Primarily my work is exhibited  at the Alexandria Art League Gallery in The Torpedo Factory Art

Center in Virginia, and showcased on my website WendyDonahoeArt.com, and I am a member

of The International Guild of Realism.  I maintain studios at my homes in Alexandria, Virginia

and Gerrardstown, West Virginia.

                                             Wendy Jones Donahoe

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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