Robin Williamson is an award-winning artist living and working in Texas. She is best known for her refined, delicate, and realistic style of painting in oils. After a successful career in Information Technology, Robin "retired" to raise her three children. While doing so, she re-ignited a life-long love affair with art and took her first formal oil-painting classes. She was hooked. Since then, she has fervently pursued both education and easel time to continue to hone her skills. She is passionate about art education and has studied with some of today’s leading figurative artists such as Max Ginsberg, Anthony Ryder, Robert Liberace, Joshua LaRock, and Jordan Sokol. She is a graduate of Johnnie Liliedahl's School of Classical Oil Painting, and has studied at Studio Incamminati, Scottsdale Artist's School, The Ryder Studio, and The Coppini Academy. She also holds Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Texas A&M University and Southern Methodist University.
Robin's desire is to glorify her Creator by reproducing the beauty of life around her. Painting people is her first love. She is intrigued by people of all walks of life, who do everything from the mundane to the extraordinary. She particularly enjoys painting dancers because it combines her love of painting the figure with her love of dance. She is equally adept at still-life painting, and finds it an exciting challenge to capture the realistic look of inanimate objects. Robin’s artistic influences are some of the great master figurative painters such as William A. Bouguereau, Rembrandt van Rijn, Ilya Repin, and of course Leonardo Da Vinci, an engineer, artist, and musician.
For the last several years, Robin has run a biweekly life-painting group that she considers pivotal to her development as an artist. She also enjoys sharing her craft with others by teaching oil and portrait painting classes. She is a signature member of the National Oil and Acrylic Painter's Society, a member of Oil Painters of America, the Portrait Society of America, the Cecilia Beaux Forum, American Women Artists, the Art League of Fort Bend, and is a BoldBrush sponsored artist. She has won numerous national awards and her work has been featured in International Artist, Southwest Art, and American Art Collector Magazines.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.