Rob Rey

Home / Salons / 15th ARC Salon

Rob Rey

United States

Rob paints images of the cosmic perspective. This perspective provides a new and inspiring scientific story of humanity united by our shared atomic origins in stardust. It provides a sense of kinship with all life on earth in our shared genetic evolution over four billion years of development. It provides hope in our capacity to reason and understand the cosmos of which we are part. It necessitates cooperation to preserve and cherish our tiny planet, the only livable place we know to exist. We are stardust evolved to understand the stars; a tiny part of the universe, become conscious. 

We humans live our lives by stories in one form or another. A meaningful story needs to be interacted with on a regular basis to have lasting impact, else we will revert to the mundane or the status quo. Rob’s art is created to be a visual illustration and reminder of this grand perspective, that we might all live more inspired, empathic lives, while innovating a more sustainable way of living.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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