2002 - 2004 Art teacher at the International Comics School - Florence
1998 - 2004 Illustrator - Inklink Studio - Florence
1994 - 1995 Children Art Teacher - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
2002 - 2003 Life Drawing Course - Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze - Florence
1989 - 1994 BA in Fine Arts - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil
1995 Institute of Art – Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil
1997 California University in Florence - Italy
1998 Ricostruzione sul Gualchiere – Palazzo Vecchio Florence- Italy
1999 Museo della Grancia – Siena – Italy
2000 Museo dell’Alto Medioveo – Cripta Balbi
2001 Museo Castello di Piombino – Livorno- Italy
2002 Carta Area Archeologica di Roma – Roma- Italy
2003 Museo Medievale di Poggibonsi – Italy
2003 Cupula e Campanile del Duomo di Firenze – Florence – Italy
2003 Annual 2003 Bologna – Non Fiction – Italy
2005 The Foundry – London
2006 Hesketh Hubbard Mall Galleries – London
2007 Hesketh Hubbard Mall Galleries – London
2008 Hesketh Hubbard Mall Galleries – London
Relevant achievement: Selected for the second round of the BP Portrait Award 2012 with letter of honourable mention received from the jury.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.