Aude Saloni

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Aude Saloni


Aude Saloni was born in 1985 in the Corbières (France).
At the age of 16, she begins 4 years of studying for a Brevet des métiers d'Art where she acquires the mastery of Trompe l'oeil mural, "the Art of the fake".
In order to enrich her technique, she then enrolls at the MURS DEC' school in Nantes, specialising in painted decoration. There, she discovers Martin Monestier's work on "Trompe-l'oeil contemporain".
From that day on, Aude fell in love with the fascinating works of masters of realism such as Jacques Poirier, Pierre Gilou, and Henri Cadiou.
In 2007, she paints her first acrylic canvases and undertakes a relentless effort where she indefinitely superimposes materials and washes until she gets a close touch with this realism.
Four years go by and Aude discovers dry pastels. This technique makes her approach other subjects such as portraiture and animals.
It is since then, passing from brush to pastel, from trompe-l'oeil to portrait, from landscape to still life that Aude tries with her expertise, to transmit through her works, the beauty of a world that only an attentive eye can perceive.


Art was nothing but the contemplation of the world penetrated by grace, illuminated from within. Revealing the presence of the divine behind each subject, was the function of art.

Quote from Hermann Hesse (German novelist, poet, painter)

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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